Kain Benedict

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Missing someone.

That is something I haven't experienced in a very long time.

Perhaps my mother when I left for higher education.

But not the way I missed her.

But I think she was worse than me.

I knew I'd come get her. She didn't know if id come back.

She was clutching my bicep with both arms, head on my shoulder, feet criss crossed on the seat, rain hitting the car filling it with wordless noise.

She was still crying.

Maybe of fear or worry.

Maybe of joy or relief.

But I think it's good for her to live in her emotions when she feels them strongly.

It seems to calm her when she can process things.

So unless she needed me to speak, id be silent.

"I want a ring." She whispered.

"What?" I heard her, but I needed more.

"I gave you one." I frowned, looking at her finger.

"I lost it." She mumbled.

"I want a ring. $15 at Walmart. I need a ring, I tossed that one when I thought you weren't coming back. I'm so sorry." She sat up straighter.


"I need a ring." She looked at me with a definitive "it's gonna happen now" kind of look.

"We're in the middle of nowhere. We have five more hours of driving."

"I need a ring, Kain."

"Why, my girl?" I pulled over, parking and looking at her.

"Because I just do. I need a ring. I need you to tell people-"

"Everyone knows about you."

She paused.



She nodded slowly.

But she frowned.

"I want a ring."

Want. Not need anymore.


"Because I-I do." She said.

"Why do you want one?"

Tears welled in her eyes.

"I can't live without you."

"I'm here." I whispered.

"No. No I need you. Not just here, I need you under my skin and always around me, I need you to be here even when your not. I need to hold onto something-"

"You think I'd keep calling you my wife without a ring?" I asked.

She paused.


"I have a ring. It's at home." I said.

She nodded, taking a hard breath like she hadn't took one in a very long time.

"But I have to make it there for you to get it." I said and she sat herself back down, buckling, rolling her window down, rain pouring into the car bit by bit but she didn't care as she laid on my arm, one hand out the window and getting wet in rain, the other finding my hand as our fingers intertwined.

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