chapter seven

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Some of the freaks grabbed Zoro, Blade and Nami, dragging them away from the ring.

"There's only two rooms," one of the freaks said.

"Then put the pirate and the hunter together," another said, "That ought to be entertaining."

They dragged Nami away, and pulled Blade and Zoro into the other room, tying Zoro to a wheel and shoving Blade into a hanging cage. Zoro struggled to get out of the ropes.

"You won't get out of them," Blade said.

"I've gotten out of worse," he said.

"What do you think Nami saw when she ran out?"

"You mean when she tried to run off and leave us for dead?"

"It's not like she has any loyalties to us. If you can save yourself, you should."

"I know her type, if there's nothing to gain, you're out."

"Yeah? At least she's not a murderer. You feel good when you get your Berry, knowing you just killed someone?"

"Don't act as if you haven't killed people."

"I kill people who need to die."

"So do I. I serve a purpose."

"Sure. I think I can get us out of this."

"You mean get yourself out?"


"You sided with Nami, I assume you're like her."

"Not necessarily true. I need you to trust me."

"Why would I trust you? I kill your kind."

"Yeah, so do I, you're not special. You got any other options, or do you want be stuck in here for the rest of your short life?"

"Fine. What are you gonna do?"

"I have a lock pick," Blade reached into her pocket, "They probably found Nami's lock picks, then assumed I wouldn't have any because I wouldn't need them. Thank god for stupid people."

Blade began to pick the lock, when they heard yells coming from Luffy.

"Better work faster."

"I'll work as fast as I can."

"Someone's coming."

"Fuck. Keep them talking."

"I don't talk, I hit things."

He was nothing like he used to be.

One of Buggy's freaks todd in on a unicycle, hoping off and approaching Zoro.

"Remember me?" He asked.

"No," Zoro replied, "Must be some other homicidal, unicycle riding clown."

The pirate punched Zoro in the stomach, causing Blade to flinch slightly imagining how much it must've hurt, but Zoro barely showed the pain on his face.

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