The Deafening Silence

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Edited 13/3/24

Chapter Nine
The Deafening Silence

Jacob Carlton

The deafening silence echoed throughout the house.

Why can’t I hear him? I hear him every morning.

Did something happen to him? He’s probably sleeping that’s why I can’t hear him. But what happened to her sweet, soft, angelic voice telling him to be quiet?

     I sigh and got off the bed. I tripped over a few dirty clothes that were scattered on the floor “Shit!” I exclaimed as I came face first with the floor.

    I sat up on the floor and leaned against the bed. Ignoring my pain, my thoughts wondered to Mia. She left me and she took my son with her. It has been a year since she left. Even after a lot of relentless searching we still didn’t find her anywhere.

       My men found a lonely mansion a good distance from here, no one seemed to live there. I swear when I find Mia I’ll punish her until she regrets leaving me. I’ll take Lee and she will never see him again until she give in to me.

    “Boss” I heard Cody called from outside my door.

    “What?” I grumbled. You must be wondering why he called me boss, well I’m a gang leader. The name of the gang is Blood Oath. I would have owned a Mafia but my deadbeat, idiotic father gave it to my younger brother, Michael. He thought I couldn’t handle the business.

      After Mia and I ran away I started my own gang, even though it is mostly consist of idiots.

     “There’s a Michael Carlton here to see you.” Speak of the devil and he shall appear. But how did he find me, I’ve only been in Italy for a few days.

     “I’m coming.” I grumbled again. I got up off the floor with the aid of the bed and went downstairs. When I reached the living room I saw Michael sitting on my couch.

    “What the he’ll are you doing here Mikey?’ I demanded angrily

    “Come on Jacob, can’t I visit my big brother?” He taunted with a broad sly smile.

     “No. What do you want” I growled getting impatient. He sighed and leaned forward in the couch.

    “I’m here to invite you to my wedding.” Wow back up

     “You’re getting married?” I asked slowly

    “Yes, in a week.” He informed, unbuttoning his cufflinks.

    “Who’s the unlucky bride?”

    “Isabelle Aloisio.”

     “Aloisio, as in Leonardo Aloisio?”

  “Yes brother. She’s the sister of the most feared man throughout all Italy.”

   “You’re bluffing.”

     “Not at all. But big brother you haven’t heard the best part yet,” he grins

   “And what part would that be?”

    “He has a woman.” He announced

   “You’re fucking with me.” I said in disbelief. This is unbelievable, from I’ve heard of that man he has never been seen with a woman. Who could this lucky woman be that captured his heart.

   “Not at all.” He said as he leaned into the couch and crossed his leg “And guess what, the girl has two sons for a guy she claimed abused her.”

Sons? For a guy that abused her? Could they be Mia and Lee? No he said two sons and I’ve never abused Mia, I’ve only taught her a few lessons and taught her how to behave.

“Do you know the name of the kids?”

“Lee and Lorenzo.” He informed. This can’t be a coincident.

“When did you say your wedding was?” I inquired, not really caring about his wedding.

“In a week but I want you to meet them before.” He told

That gives me some time to come up with a plan.

“I’ll be there, I’ve got to see all that you’ve told me for myself.” I half lie, I’m mostly going there to see if the girl is Mia. Mia only had one son and this person has two, it has been a year so it could be that the bitch got knocked up by that low life son-of-a-bitch. If that’s the case then I’m going to kill that bastard.

“See you in three days’ time bro.” Michael said as he got up to leave.

“How did you know that I was in Italy?”

“I’m a mafia leader and you were not that hard to find.” He told and continued on his way.

I relaxed in my couch as my thoughts wondered to Mia and the day we first met. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry.”  The most angelic voice I’ve ever heard apologized

“Shit my suit is ruined.” I muttered. My new Armani suit that I have bought not so long ago was now stained with coffee.

“I’m really sorry.” The person apologized again. I looked up at her and I swear time froze and my mouth parted a bit. The girl turned and started walking away, I grabbed her before she got any further.

“Hey, not so fast.” I said “You just ruin an expensive suit.” Thinking about it for a split second I say “How about dinner to say you’re sorry.”

“But I’ve already said that I’m…” She started

“Shh.” I said putting my finger on her plump lips “Have dinner with me or you will have to buy me a new suit.” I told

“How much does the suit cost?” She inquired

“Ten thousand.” I answered. I saw her go into her bag and took out her phone. I was curious to see what she was going to do.

“Hello dad, I need a cheque with ten…” I snatched the phone before she could finish.

“I don’t want your money, just your name and number would suffice.” She stared at me as if studying me.

“Ok. My name is Mia and my number is…”

That is one of the days that I don’t wish to forget.

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