Two Missing Children

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Edited 13/3/24

Chapter Eleven
Two Missing Children

Mia Ahara

I awake to a concerned Leonardo looking at me. Suddenly it all came flooding back, he’s back. Gathering all the energy that I could, I said “He found us.”

I started sobbing as all the memories that I had wish to forget came rushing in. Then I remembered that the monster was playing with Lee.

“Where’s Lee and Lorenzo?” I asked Leonardo

“They are downstairs with...” I didn’t wait for him to finish what he was saying because I bolted from the bed and ran downstairs. I could hear footsteps steps behind me.

The place was a disaster, I almost passed out again when I saw Alessandra tied to a chair with duct tape around her mouth and a small cut on her left cheek.

My heart pounded at the sight but she was the least of my concern right now.
The pounding of my heart turned into pain as I realized that Lee, Lorenzo and Jacob were no where in the room. I removed the tape from Alessandra’s mouth and cried “Where are they?”

She shook her head and I got angry and shouted “Where are they?”

“He took them.” Alessandra choked out.

“No. No!” I shouted. I felt a hand on my shoulder and shove it off knowing that it was Leonardo. “You promised me he wouldn’t hurt us again. You lied and now my babies are gone.” I cried hitting his chest

He stopped my hands and then said “I promise I’ll get them back Mia, I’ll bring them home.”

I shove him away from me “I’m tired of empty promises Leo.” I said and left.


I let out a frustrated sigh and untied my mother from the chair. That bastard dared to threaten my family, I’ll kill him even if it’s the last thing I do.

“Are you ok mom?” I inquired concern

“I’m fine son. The kids must be so scared.”

“I’ll find them mom.”

I rang Dontae and told to gather all the men and meet me at my house. I also called Michael and Isabelle.

When everyone got to my house, I started telling them what happened and what I wanted them to do. “I want that bastard found, I want to know every single details about him and I want it as soon as possible. Michael, I want you and Isabelle to stay here.”

“Why is that?” He inquired

“Because I have no clue if you had a hand in this. It can’t be a coincidence that your brother was here and you weren’t.”

“Leonardo, he had nothing to do with this. We just got a little caught up.” Isabelle defended.

“Stay out of this Isa, this man’s brother tied mom to a chair and kidnapped my children. Once I find him he’s going to wish he was dead.”

Jacob Carlton

Before the kidnapping of the children

The day I had been awaiting has finally arrived. The day I hoped that I would see my Mia again. I would be happy if it’s Mia, but, I would also be upset because this would mean that she slept with Leonardo.

I got dressed in one of my fancy suit that Mia love to see me in.

I drove until I arrived at the address. I rang the doorbell and a middle aged lady answered. “Hi I’m Jacob,” I greeted

“Is this the house that I’m suppose to meet Michael Carlton?” I asked

“OH yes. You must be his brother.”

“I am. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” I told with a broad smile.

“Such good manners.” She said tapping my cheek lightly. “Michael isn’t here as yet, you can wait for him inside.”

“That would be wonderful, thank you.” I entered the house and the lady led me to the living room. There were two kids there, a baby and a little boy. The little boy looked exactly like my son Lee.

“Son.” I heard someone called which brought me out of my thoughts.


“I asked if I can offer you something to drink while you wait.”

“No thank you, I’m alright.” I answered

“Are you sure?”

“Yes I am.”

The lady nods then went and took up the baby. I took the opportunity to talk to the little boy. “Hey buddy, what’s your name?” I inquired

“Lee.” He answered with his tiny arms behind his back, he’s so cute, my son.

“Do you want to see a magic trick?” I asked, he eagerly nods his up and down. I took a coin and put it in my hand, then shook my hand. When I opened my hand it was empty.

“Where did it go?” I asked him. Lee took my hand and loom for the coin.

“I don’t know.” He said but the words were mispronounced since he’s just one year and some months. I reached behind his ear and took the coin and showed it to him. He giggled and his eyes widen with excitement.

“Um excuse me.” I heard someone called
I froze and stood up slowly. I know that voice.

“Jake” she called. I turned around with a smirk on my face, oh my poor Mia.

Mia started breathing heavily and the lady went to assist her. Then the person I never wanted to see enter the living room. Leonardo Aloisio. By the time he entered the room I was already by Mia’s side. Leonardo rushed over to Mia and picked her up, the bastard.

“What happened?’ he asked

“She had a panic attack” the woman said

“Why, what cause it?” He asked

“She freaked out when she saw Jake.”

He looked at me in confusion, then hurried away with Mia.  I schemed a plan in my head and that’s what led us here.

I drove my car down the road with a huge victory smile. I got her kiss, now I just need a way to get her.

This little baby look a lot like Lee, could he be mine…perhaps.

“Mommy?” Lee asked

“Mommy is at home remember?”

“Mommy?” He asked again his eyes tearing up.

“You’ll see mommy soon” I told so he wouldn’t ask again

“K” He sniffled

“What’s your brother’s name?” I questioned


“Enzo?” He nod his head yes.

After I got home Lee wouldn’t shut up about ice-cream so I has to send two of my men to buy some and some diapers along with it. When the men came back I fed the kids and changed their diapers.

“Can I have flakes?” Lee asked. Didn’t this kid just eat an ice-cream cone?

“Pwesase” he begs

It’s going to be a long day.

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