Project Runway

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I come to with Tim roughly shaking my shoulder, saying, " We're back."

I sit up yawning, rubbing sleep for my eyes, and repeat," We're back?"

Tim nods, "Take your stuff in with you."

Damian tuts, " Obviously, Drake," dragging me out of the car.

Once everything is out, Dick goes to put the car away while Tim opens up the manor. Our footsteps quietly echo around us as we walk in. I go to hang up my jacket when Dami elbows me in the ribs, mouthing, " 9 o'clock." On the wall is a silently growing shadow. I slide off a shoe and cock my arm back, ready to–

" Good heavens," I hear the shadow mutter, disappearing with the hit of a light switch. Revealing Gramps in his plaid pajamas, holding a loaded rifle, " Welcome home, Master Bruce, Young Masters and Misses."

" Damn Alfie," Jason whistles lowly, " what caliber is that?"

" 7.5 Young Master Jason, make sure to add a dollar to the swear jar on your way up, sir," Gramps says, putting the safety back on, then looks over to Dad. " Forgive me; I did not expect your arrival."

" I'm sorry," I say, sliding my shoe back on, " It's my fault–"

" No, it is not. Fault lies with him," Dami argues. He pulls me up the stairs, "We will see you all in the morning."

" May I ask wha–" Gramp's voice trails off as we get closer to the family wing.

I remove myself from his Damis' grip, " I guess I'll see you in the morning–"

" No," Dami says, grabbing me again and taking me to his room, " we are not done yet."

" What?" I ask

" I have questions, and you are going to answer them," Dami says, shutting his door behind us. Dami climbs into his bed and leaves the cover down in invitation.

I climb in, huffing, " I thought we agreed ages ago that ' Secret Confessional Storytime' is for babies?"

" Richard insisted it was good for ' bonding.' That sharing stories is healthy," Dami deflects.

I raise an eyebrow, " Really?"

" Shut up, Danyal, and lay down. You are letting the cold in," Dami orders.

I lay down on his side and face my brother, " now what?"

Dami says nothing for a moment before asking, " Why did you not tell me?"

" About my clone?" I ask.

" That you aren't aging," Dami says.

" Because it doesn't matter?" I say, bewildered.

" Of course, it matters. You are barely a teenager. You should not have to pretend otherwise," Dami says.

" What, and sixteen is so mature?" I ask rhetorically, rolling my eyes.

" There is a big difference between us. Thirteen-year-olds don't date or work. You have the maturity of a middle schooler," Dami explains.

" High schooler. I skipped a grade," Danny says petulantly, " but it doesn't matter. As far as anyone else is concerned, I'm aging like I'm supposed to."

" You expect me to believe no one has noticed? While you are supposed to be going through puberty? Unlikely," Dami argues.

I shrugged. "Shoe lifts and makeup go a long way. No one ever said anything."

" Your pediatrician?" Dami asks.

" The Fentons didn't bother with one. If Jazz or I had any problems over-the-counter medicine couldn't fix, we'd go to a patient first or the ER," I explain.

1(800) Adoption Papers NOT needed! Its a two for one special! ( 1POV Version )Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu