Sleepover pt2

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I don't think he can hear me but I shouted remember use your breathing techniques, when your ready to speak open the door. I want what's best for you, I'm here to always listen. Quickly I went to big bears room to get one of his squishy toy. Prepared. I waited patiently but thinking what I did wrong.

Shorty I heard, I sat next to him on the bathroom floor, giving him his toy. "What's the matter".
"I felt this kiss would have lead to something I don't want to do it".

"Then why did you run away and cry".
"Cathrine told me whenever my penis is hard or have a feeling down there that means I want to have sex. But I never wanted to, so that brought back memories. I always felt disgusted and guilty even now".

"It's a natural thing big bear I also had a tingling feeling as well don't let Catherine take over your mind. She's a prick. Always remember being intimate is we're two people agree. "If your not ready that's ok, you just need a lot of healing to overcome your traumas".

"Since the mood is low right now I've got something to say and you might hate me"

" Ermm I-I've been c-cutting myself".
Nathaniel couldn't finish the rest of the sentence and Stacy said what in a shocked way.
"Why would you do that I'm here and you have support from your therapist Nathaniel , I don't wanna lose you". When I tell you I was full of sadness, tears streamed down"

"I'm sorry I just hate my life right now".
Stacy gave him a hug. "Im telling grandma".

He was begging me not to but I had to it's out of my control this is to much

"Do you know how you make me feel, I'm in constant worry for you, do you ever think how your actions affect me Nathaniel do you. Can you believe please listen to me and go tell your therapist what you are going through i know it will help the situation, I don't know how but it will. I know it's gonna be hard but it's for your best. I love you so much I don't want to lose you".

Nathaniel's POV: Stacy did not stutter once she didn't take any break while speaking to me. I could tell she was frustrated by her tone of voice. I didn't expect her to talk to me like this. Well this holiday is gonna be awkward.

"Just think about what I said and the best outcome, your therapist is always there to help you in any situation".

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