{Chapter 109}

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Catheline's POV:

"Your Grace, wake up."

I groaned, pulling the pillow over my head. Why was she shouting in the early morning? Last night, I had gone to bed very late and now, I just wanted a few more moments of peace.

"Try shaking her. You know she will scold us if we wake her up late," another voice suggested.


They seemed to hear me. "Your Grace, it's afternoon already! You have overslept!"

My body jerked as I threw the pillow across the room. Pushing the hair out of my face, I looked at both of them in utter shock.


Karra held my arm, pulling me out of bed. "We did try waking you up but you wouldn't budge."

"I was tired..." I huffed, following her into the bathing chamber. "I had to talk to Lord Corrignton this morning!"

"We told him that you were tired," Lucy added, holding my other arm. "You've been working too much these days. Perhaps you needed this sleep,"

The day was such a disaster. Somehow, I was so tired that I overslept until noon. After getting dressed, I immediately summoned Hilan. He didn't mind much about my tardiness at all.

"The work does tend to exhaust people," he spoke with a smile. "Please don't be unsettled about it."

I smiled awkwardly as I looked at the letters he had for me. Normally, he brought reports of any irregularities that occurred in the surrounding lands. And today, everything seemed to be going fine.

"If you don't mind, I've been thinking of something and wished to talk of it," the man stated.

"What is that?" I urged him to continue.

"Um...what do you think of ladies of waiting?"

I raised an eyebrow at the topic. Ladies in waiting were educated women coming from noble families. Each was selected based on their abilities to do certain tasks like sewing or dancing. Since I was a young girl, neither of those interested me. But I could do with a friend or two.

"It's not something I would hate to have," I admitted, leaning back on the chair. "But why are you thinking of that now? Are you considering someone?"

He nodded hesitantly. "It might provide you comfort if you had someone to talk to."

I had many I could talk to and I knew that he was aware. "Is there anything else you wish to tell me?"

The man visibly stiffened. "Please forgive me for my dare here. But are you experiencing any signs of illness?..." 

My eyes went wide before I shut them. Someone was going to walk with red cheeks all day.

"I'm fine, Hilan...All of this is new to me. The work is possibly overwhelming me but I'll try to do my best. Xander gave me this duty and I can't disappoint him."

The man nodded with understanding. "The King told me to assist you and at times, take charge if you were unwell. He wanted you to be fine."

Hearing about Xander's care caused me to blush. But I quickly moved it aside. That silly fool was trying to undermine me?

"I'll let you know if I'm feeling unwell. But for now, I'm alright."

It was a lie. I threw up this morning even if I barely ate anything for dinner last night. The anxiety was getting to me but I've been ignoring it.

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