Chapter 24

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"You have lost your mind", Livie tells me as she's adjusting her camera to sit better. She's probably in the bathroom, since she's wearing one of her bath robes and her brown hair is kept from falling in her face by a headband. Like almost every other piece of clothing my bestie owns, her bathrobe and headband are black, since that's the color she most likes wearing. She's working on her makeup, staring in the mirror. Her blue eyes are staring at me though.

"I don't know", I confess. "Guess I wasn't thinking."

"Clearly", she mutters. "The kitchen?!", Livie lets out. "I thought Lewis would do better."

"Well, that's what I thought of Nathan too, until you told me you two made love against a mirror", I counter, using the dirty details she told me about her boyfriend to come back at her.

I can see Livie blush. "Getting back to the point, I believe you should date Lewis."

Wait, what the-

"You just told me he could do better", I point out at her. I also pour myself a new cup of coffee, since I am staying at home today.

I quit my job.

I filed my resignation today morning, a few hours ago.

I know some people might call me a fool, but I am not going to work for the guy I almost hooked up with. The guy I'll gladly hook up with again.

If he weren't so damn impossible...

It's Tina who answered my email. She told me she's sorry and made a joke about how I'll be part of the record book. The first assistant who quit and didn't get fired.

Hurray to me.

"Yeah, but I also said you need a boyfriend."

"I don't need a boyfriend", I respond convinced. Having a boyfriend is a wish. Not a need. I'm perfectly fine as it is.

"Okay, but it would be nice to have someone who dance to Lover  to, ain't I right?", she throws it at me.

How can I say no to that?

"And, to be honest, Lewis Cunnan might be the best guy you'll ever get", Livie continues.

I raise an eyebrow at her. "You're only saying that because he's your cousin."

It's true. Even though my parents and his parents are best friends, his Dad and Livie's Dad grew up together. They are really like brothers. Which makes Livie and Lewis cousins for real.

"I'm only saying that because he's a hot billionaire who looks like a Ralph Lauren model and happens to have been World fucking Champion. Not to mention his cars."

Okay, I can't argue with that either.

"He's also my boss", I add.

"Was. You quit", she reminds me. I open my mouth to say something, yet she cuts me short. "Not to mention that's one of the dumbest things you've ever did. I thought you liked the job."

"I really did", I say. I did. Still do. I loved the part we would go to the Prix and I would be able to start filming whatever I wanted. I loved hanging out with Levi and Chris and Fabio. I loved spending time with Lewis.

I even started liking the email parts. Not as much as everything else, but still.

"It was the best for everyone." I wonder if my heart is buying the lie I've been trying to convince myself.

"It for sure wasn't", she mumbles. "You liked the job. You liked him. Now you're running away."

"I am not running away", I try to say.

Livie gives me a look saying she doesn't believe me.

I give her one saying she should just drop the subject in return.

"Fine", she gives up. "But at least tell me one thing." I raise an eyebrow at her. She smirks deviously and continues. "Was the kiss good?"

"Olivia Estair Dunn", I let, out, blushing above both cheeks.

Livie keeps staring in the camera, not wanting to let this go before she gets her answers.

I get even hotter as I respond. "You know it was."

"That's my girl", she shouts.

The chuckle I let out is partly amused, partly broken, knowing I'll never have this again.

and we chasedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora