Chapter 24: Fire Dragon King And Indestructible Thunder Bear

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"Ya Ha Ha Ha...two brats who can only talk big, if you want to become my right-hand man, you are still far behind!"

After Kaishu said this, he handed over the wooden chest while laughing: "After you become stronger, talk about such big words then!"

Without hesitation, King took out the red and strangely threaded fruit in the small wooden chest in front of him and bit it down.

Bullet also took out the white threaded fruit in front of him with eyes full of excitement, then he opened his mouth wide and swallowed it in one gulp.

Soon, their faces turned from white to black, and from black to blue.


"Argh! It's really unpalatable."

"It's the worst thing I've ever eaten."

Both Bullet and King bent over and retched with pain on their faces.

"Ya Ha Ha Ha Ha..."

"Wo ro ro ro ro..."

Kaishu and Kaido laughed gloatingly at their embarrassment.

The taste of Devil Fruit, those who eat it are the only ones who know how unpalatable it is.

"Okay, feel the ability of your Devil Fruit." Kaishu urged them.



Bullet and King jumped up and felt the powerful force appearing in their bodies.

"This feeling....."

King clenched his hand and then he exchanged glances with Bullet, both of them could feel their exhausted bodies recovering quickly.

There seems to be an endless power in their bodies, making them feel that they have become stronger at this moment!

The next moment, the flame on King's back burned more vigorously, then the red flame gradually turned golden, and the surrounding temperature rose extremely rapidly.

His black wings turned red, and then red dragon scales appeared on its surface.


With a vigorous dragon roar, King's body changed rapidly.

The dragon head, huge wings, thick limbs, and lizard-like body that bulges out with muscles make it look full of strength!

A western red dragon appeared in front of Kaishu and Kaido.

It's just that this fire dragon is a bit small, not counting the tail, it is only more than five meters tall.

"What a little Dragon."

Kaido took a sip of his wine and commented with a smirk.

"Wo ro ro ro ro... they will grow up in the future," Kaido said with a big laugh.

Then the two looked at Bullet who was on the side.


Bullet's movement seems to be much bigger than King's.

Silver lightning sparkled around him. The power of this lightning seemed extraordinary!


Bullet let out a roar, and then his body swelled and grew bigger extremely fast.

Silver Fur grew all over his body, while his head turned to bear head and his fingers changed into claws that looked extremely sharp.

Moreover, both his body and eyes are covered with silver lightning.

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