Chapter 29: Kaishu And Kadio's Progress

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"Your body is still growing, don't train it until it collapses, you two idiots!"

Kaishu punched King and Bullet directly to the ground.

There was a big lump on the heads of the two little guys, with white smoke coming out of it.

These two brats probably wanted to be Kaishu's most capable subordinates. So, they began to compete with each other from the second day and constantly increased the amount of their training.

If King trains for 10 hours today.

Tomorrow, Bullet will train for 11 hours.

The extreme self-discipline and crazy training methods shocked the other crew members.

It can be said that if King and Bullet are not eating to replenish their strength, they are either receiving treatment from Raven or exercising crazily.

If it wasn't for the time needed for eating, treatment, and resting, he's afraid that these two brats who are competing with each other wanted to see who can practice for 20 hours.

Exercise should not be as hard as possible. King is only 9 years old, and Bullet is only 7 years old. Their bones are still fragile and still growing.

If they exercise too much and cause irreparable damage to their body, it will be more difficult to become stronger in the future.

Kaishu doesn't want to see these two little guys have weak stamina!

"From now on, you will study for 2 hours on cultural lessons every day, no, it is 3 hours!! The basic training cannot exceed 6 hours, and one actual combat training a day is enough."

Kaishu doesn't want his subordinates to be illiterate, so they must learn the common sense of the sea.

Although Kaishu said that even if they die in the mouth of a beast, he will not care. However, they are still young now, and they mainly do basic physical training. So, an actual battle every day is enough.


King and Bullet held the big lumps on their heads and looked up at Kaishu reluctantly.

"I'm not discussing it with you. According to the nonsensical training methods the two of you are doing, even if you have the recovery power of a Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit, your training method is abolishing it."

Kaishu clenched his fist and warned seriously.

Bullet asked weakly: "Then can I not study?"

"What do you think?" Kaishu glared at him viciously.

King and Bullet saw that Kaishu was really going to get angry, so they immediately nodded obediently in agreement.

As for the teacher?

Nautical knowledge and meteorological knowledge are learned from their navigator, Simon.

Learn ship repair and forging techniques from their Boatman, Horn.

Common sense at sea is simpler, any crew member who has sailed at sea for so many years is qualified to teach them.

A lesson costs 10,000 Belly, so he believes Simon and the others will teach them with care.

As for weapon usage and leadership, Kaishu will personally teach them.

Anyway, Kaishu used to be the captain of Rocks Pirates and climbed up from a trainee step by step.

He has participated in countless battles and wars, even the most terrifying Battle of the God's Valley.

In terms of combat, he can be said to have a lot of experience.

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