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Floyd POV
(Right after the band broke up)
'I wonder when I'll see my brothers again.........I'm gonna miss Branch; I feel bad for leaving him alone but it's for the best and someone's gotta take care of grandma.' I thought as I saw walked away from the super dome me and my brothers BROZONE just preformed at before we broke up.I just walked up to my Motorcycle before getting in and riding off not sure of where I'm going or how long it'll take to get there but I just kept riding.
(A few days later)
I have been riding for a while when I finally come up to a big city.
'Welcome to Troll City'  a sign said I look around at the ocean surrounding the big city island
'Wow I thought' me and my brothers had preformed here once but we had a show booked in another city the day after so we didn't really get to appreciate the city.It feels good to slow down not have to meet the expectations of John Dori but I do miss my brothers and grandma.

As I enter the city I ride through traffic for a while before coming across a hotel to stay in.I book the hotel for a night and decided to go out and explore a little while I'm here.
I drop my stuff off in the hotel room and put on a hat and glasses as to not get recognized to much before heading out.
I walk around a bit keeping my head down before coming across a sign saying "The Color Lounge Live Music on Saturdays" Tonight's Saturday so I walk in and I'm immediately met with a beautiful brightly colored restaurant decorated with every color of the rainbow with a water display in the entrance that has the restaurant's logo.
"Table for one?"I heard snapping me out of my trance.I look over to a young waitress awaiting my response.
"Oh uh yes."I respond
"Right this way."She signals for me to follow her.

She leads me to a table close to what looks like a stage with instruments on it but no one preforming.
"I'm Liza I'll be your server tonight can I start you out with anything to drink?"Said the waitress who I now know as Liza
"Oh I'll just have a water for now.Is someone going to preform tonight?"I ask
"Yes, The band Scarlett Symphony is going to be preforming from 6-8pm tonight."She answered
"Ok thank you."
"No problem that's what I'm here for I'll be right back with that water."She says before walking away
'Scarlett Symphony, huh?'I thought trying to remember if I knew any bands by that name be for reaching the conclusion that I hadn't.

A few minutes later Liza returns with my water and I order.
As she walks away I look down at my watch and see that it's 5:57 so they should be on soon.
'I wonder what genre of music they are?'I thought before seeing some trolls come on stage and start setting up lights and props and making sure everything is prepped for the band.
A few minutes later I see some trolls come out on stage and get behind instruments and get ready to play tuning instruments and testing mics.Then I see a Rock Troll with black hair with (F/C) going through it walk out and go behind the mic and start adjusting it to her height.

'Wow' I thought
'I've never seen anyone as mesmerizing as her.
She was the prettiest girl I'd ever seen.I couldn't look away
I'm brought out of my thoughts by her taping the mic
"Hello everyone, I'm Y/N and we are the Scarlett Symphony and we are super excited to preform for y'all tonight!If you're new here and you've never seen us before, hey welcome to the color lounge!We do mostly rock music but we do do all genres of music and it will change throughout the show."She said her voice like butter.
Her band mates then began playing a hard rock song and she began singing

I loved it
I had never heard anything like it I had always listened to pop.I'd never heard anything else but hearing this  put pop music to shame I had never really liked pop I found it boring but I kept listening to it and singing it because I didn't know anything else and it made my family happy.
As I was thinking the song ended and everyone including myself started applauding.
That's when Liza brought my food over and I began eating.The food was delicious I really like this place so far.

(2 Hrs later)
It's been a few hours and I finished my food but I didn't wanna leave
I was enjoying the music too much.
The band started packing up and Y/N said "Thank you everyone that's it for tonight but hope to see y'all next Saturday."
I have to come back.
But I only got the hotel for a night.
I'll just stay here for the next week it's not like I have anywhere else's to be.

That week turned into 2 and 2 turned into 3 and 3 turned into a month so I eventually decided to move to Troll City.
I know it's kind of weird to live in a city because of one restaurant and one band and one girl but I couldn't help it and found an apartment and moved in.As for money I started working at a local tea cafe.It payed enough and I had a lot of money from Brozone.I also just generally enjoyed working there it was a Black Rock Tea Co. ever since I came here and started going to the Color Lounge I started listening to Hard rock and became totally obsessed.Now that I had discovered something other than pop I was never going back and so I never did and here I am about 2 months after moving into Troll City and working at the Cafe I dyed my hair black with streaks of my natural pink coming through and I changed my style adding some chains and black nail polish to the mix.I still go to the color lounge every Saturday I'm pretty much a regular now even though Scarlett Symphony doesn't play every Saturday I still go and enjoy the music from other bands and solo artists.I'm enjoying life even thought I missed my brothers.
Today is Saturday and I just got off work and I'm headed to the Color Lounge.Its 4:30 when I arrive.
"Hey Floyd!"Liza says
"Hey Liza!Who's playing tonight?"I say
"Scarlett Symphony"She said and gives me a look
"What's that look for?"I ask
"Your totally down bad for Y/N be honest!!!"She said
"What no I'm not what are you talking about."I deny
"Sure.Come on I saved you usual spot."She said before sitting me in the seat I have sat in since my first time here.Me and Liza got pretty close since I come all the time we are basically best friends now.We hang out sometimes and she teases me about Y/N.I don't like her I don't know what she's talking about.I just like to look at her.Anyway I sit down and ordery usual and wait for Scarlett Symphony to come on which it feels like forever before they do but I'm so happy when they do.
After they play like 2 songs I make eye contact with Y/N and she winks at me before beginning the next song.

After they perform I get up to leave but Y/N calls me over to stage.I'm confused and nervous.
'Did I do something ?!?'I freak out
As I arrive at the stage Y/N leans over and says "Are you Floyd from Brozone?"
"Yeah....."I said.Shes the first to realize it's me except Liza but I told her so.
"That's so cool!I'm digging the new style you really changed man I'm happy for you!I used to love y'all!So what happened?"She said
"Oh uh really?I didn't pin you as the type to like boy bands!"I replied
"Yeah I didn't really either but I love y'all!"
"Oh cool anyway we just decided to go our own ways.It gets tiring to deal with your siblings 24/7 you know."I said
"Yeah I totally get it."She said
"I see you over here all the time; you must really like this place."She added
"Yeah I do and I'm friends with one of the waitresses so it's a win win."
"Oh cool!"
"Y/N One of her band mates called her
"Sorry I got to go!See you!"She said as she left
"Yeah..see you"I said quietly even though I know she was too far to hear me
"She wants you"I heard in my ear
"Omg Liza no she doesn't"I said in an exhausted tone
"She definitely does!!"
"No she just recognized me from Brozone."I said
"Nah she definitely likes you.You should have asked for her number."
"You know what Liza your right....I should have"I said to get her off my back
"OooooOoo I wish I could hear that more often."
"What?"I asked
""Liza Your right."" She said dreamily to which I just rolled my eyes.
"Ok, well I'm gonna head home I have work tomorrow."I said
"Ok bye love I'll come by the shop tomorrow on my break!"She shouted  as I walked away
"Ok bye Liza!!!"I said back

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