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Next stop Clay
*coughs*"Ok let's get those undies out of the vehicle because I can't breathe"I said
"Good plan"JD said before giving the 'Funderdrawrs'(idk if I spelled that right)to Ronda so she can track down Clay

We arrive at an old Mini Golf Course
"I smell fries let's go."I said walking in
"Helloooo???????"I said just tryna get some fries
"Who dared Trespass on me sacred grounds"Said a literal clown
"Oh nah mama don't do clowns letz go"I said grabbing poppy and pulling her towards the exit
Before branch cut me off
"Wait....Listen we don't want any Clown related trouble,okay, we're just here looking for our brother, Clay."
'Nah he's crazy'
"Wait a second....your trolls"the clown said
"So what your a clown"Branch said
'Wait something's happening...'
All the sudden a golf ball came out and turned into a person
'I wanna go home💀'
"Oh My Gosh HELLLOOOOOO"Said a high pitched voice
"Ow my ears"I said covering my ears
'Damn Chicks got some vocals'
"My name is Viva and it's so Fantastimazing to see other Trolls"
(I'm skipping the intro and It takes two bs for now I will add it later)
"Ok let's go save my boyfriend!"I said
"Wait.....Your Floyd's girlfriend?!?"Clay said
"Uhh yeah get with the program bro"I said
"He's so grown"Clay said
"Aww your so cute, Branch"I said leaning into the joke as everyone except Branch laughs
"Ok let's Practice!"JD said
There ain't no stopin' us
Stopin' us we ain't pressing rewind
The sky was the limit
now the stars where we're living
It's the vibe when we're in it
It'll blow your mind
It's so perfect
Harmony so cold
Let it go
"Stop stop Time out let's do it again from the top"JD Said
'Bro why'
"Spruce I want some smolder in those eyes.Clay your being to stiff we need sillier robot.Bitty B maybe a smaller diaper"JD Finished
"If this diaper was any smaller I could Taste it"
"That's why I don't wear one of those it's a hard fit to pull off"Tiny cut in
"Really great note John Dori Super helpful thanks thanks.Now I have a creative nots for you... STOP BEING BOSSY!"Clay said
"What I'm not being Bossy I'm helping us be better!"JD retorted
"No no dude you're forcing us to be perfect just like you always have.So we could hit the Perfect Family Harmony."Said Clay
"Yeah for Floyd!"
"Is it?Or is this all just so you can tell people what to do again?"Said Bruce
"Guys guys this really isn't helpful right now let's all maybe take five huh?"Poppy said
"This isn't gonna work if you keep on being the same old John Dori."Bruce said
"Yeah, we've all changed Bruce settled down Branch is slightly taller with zero glasses and I'm a licensed CPA put some respect on my name, FOOL!"Clay said
"Well I'm not allowed to change I'm the oldest I had to be the leader."JD defended
"Pfft you love bossing us around just admit it."Bruce said
"Why do you think I moved to the middle of Nowhere.So I didn't have to be in charge of anyone.Four little brothers is a LOT of responsibility!!!"JD said
"WHY DO YOU THINK I LEFT?So no one would treat me like you did!"Bruce said
"You know what Spruce-"
"Guys we can't forget about Floyd"Brach said
"Look Branch is right we're here for Floyd let's just get this done and we can go our separate ways"JD said
"Fine!"Clay agreed
"Wait what?"Branch said
"What?The mission's the Mission.Ha!You didn't think we'd all live together when this is all over did you?Singing songs and roasting marshmallows n-"JD Mocked
"Huh oh I'm sorry is that Funny to you that I might want us to actually be a family again?Tiny Diamond pull over, now"Branch said as Tiny pulled over
"Don't be a baby Branch."Bruce said
"You're Mad at him but you guys do the exact same thing to me.You all still treat me like the Baby of the family.But guess what I stopped being a baby the day you guys walked out on me.Cause I had to.Then Grandma got eaten and there was no one else to take care of me.This time I'm walking out on you."
'Damn Cold'
"This is branches Bunker he built this for you guys"Poppy said looking at the paper than branch Crumbled before leaving
"I didn't know."JD said
"I guess you never asked."
Poppy Followed branch out
"Wait Grandma got eaten?"Clay said

Me and Tiny Diamond finally caught up to Poppy and Branch
"Touching moment you Guys but my boyfriend is in danger and I can't wait any longer!"I said as we pulled up to Poppy and Branch
"Tiny, Y/N you're coming to!"
"What can I say I was moved by Branches Speech and his sad sad drawing.Now let's roll."Tiny said
"Yeah what he said"

"Alright looks Security is really tight.So we're not gonna be able to just walk right in."
"You know what that's means we're scaling the walls"
"We're huh?Doin what?When"

"We should plan to make our ascend about 200 meters east of the entrance"
"Good thing I brought extra gummy gloves"
"I'm Tired carry me"
"You have to walk on your own Tiny you have to be a big boy"
"But my feet hurt I don't wanna"

"The quickest way in will be through the roof"
"The H Vac system"
"Oof I love how you say H Vac"
"Thank You"
"Get a room you two"

"But we'll have to bypass the fan so that our cup-cakes don't get sliced in two"
"Oooo we brought Cupcakes"
"No not what I meant it dosent matter"

"After that we'll need to cut the power so we can love freely through the interior air ducts"
"Hey how do you know which wires to cut???"
"I don't I'm just blasting everything until something turns off"
"Well that's works I guess"


"From there we'll have to do some exploring but we'll find Floyd in one of those rooms"
"No need I've been here before and I know where he is follow me"I

"FLOYD"I said as I ran to him
"Floyd"Branch said
"Y/N!Branch...It's really you?"
"Yeah it's really me."
"Wow your really grown into that vest your a man now"
"Ugh finally somebody who gets me"
"But you need to leave right now"
"But Floyd it's ok we're here to rescue you"
"No it's a trap Velvet and Veneer
They lured you here you've gotta leave before they come back"
"No I'm not leaving without you"I said
"Babe, Please do it for me"he said
I look down and put my forehead to the glass as branch did the same
"Ok I trust you but we'll be back"I said before grabbing Poppy and
Branch and leaving before Velvet and Veneer could enter the room.

Author:Ok I'm stopping there more later sorry it took so long to update also GO CHEIFS I'm righting this on the day of the Super Bowl and The CHEIFS just won so....yeah anyway hope you enjoyed thanks for reading

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