14. Teenage Girl

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Morana Alistar

I felt tingly all over.

Hyper aware of them.

They stopped messing with me. Although I didn't mind, I hate flirting.

It's a form of verbal teasing and something men do to insinuate they want something physical from me.

I've hated it for years.

I didn't mind the head patting and the way they were gentle with me. I was fine with the compliments and nicknames.

But I relaxed as I ate and they talked.

I felt pathetic. I was usually fine.

I felt small and fragile here.

It felt wrong to be anything but level headed and in the lead.

"How's your building going?" Kieran asked.

I nodded.

"Closer." But it had to progress faster.

"Is it hard to not constantly work?" He asked.

I nodded. "I'm used to it." I shrugged.

"Well you could help us around our casinos. It could be going smoother but we've had a lot of call offs and complaints." Davian looked at Kieran for approval before looking at me.

"Sure." I hummed, grabbing the water and sipping it.

"Your mind is somewhere else." Davian pointed and I held my breath.

"I know."

"What's going on?" Kieran frowned, his tattooed hand running over the tattoos on his throat.

I crossed my legs.

"Uhm... I'm never in a position of vulnerability. I feel very vulnerable currently." I confessed.

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No. But I don't like how it feels."

"It's okay to not be 100% work/boss mode all the time, Morana." Davian stood and pulled out my chair as Kieran took my dishes.

"This is different." My voice was beginning to fade.

It hurt to talk at a regular volume so I lowered it.

"Because we're men and you think you have to be a badass assassin who can prove she could kill us all the time?" He grabbed my hand and I frowned.

"I guess."

"We know. But just because we know that doesn't mean we can't... take care of the unmurderous part of you." Kieran cleaned the dishes and I nodded.

It was a hard thing for me to accept. I knew that.

"But thank you for telling us. Is there anyway we can make you feel in control of anything?" Davian asked and I looked up at him, my heart beginning to race as he held my hand and the stupid flickers of the DVD ran through my mind.

If Zade Meadows existed in real life with different eye colors and in two forms, that was the video.

Without thinking I leaned up on my tiptoes and pressed my lips to Davian's.

They were soft and unexpectedly nice.

I'd never enjoyed something like that before.

He didn't hold onto me. He just stood there and I backed up, the water Kieran was running was now off as he stared between Davian and I.

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