26. Turns

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Morana Alistar

I called Davian.

He answered immediately.


"Hey can I come over with my boxes to put the books away?"

"Mmmm can you wait? I haven't made you a key yet and we don't have a code for the garage. We're... busy."

"Are you at a tattoo shop? I hear the gun." I mumbled.

"Yeah. Can I text you when we're done so you can meet us there?"


"Alright baby. Be safe." He hung up.


I needed help since the boxes were so heavy and they finally parked and came to me.

I gasped.

"What the fuck." I whispered, my voice like sandpaper, my throat dry.

My name was tattooed on the bottom of Davian's throat.

"Oh don't talk to me. Talk to him." He murmured.

I looked at Kieran.

He walked to me and I stopped him from taking a box as Davian had.

"Spill." I glare.

"Let me get you a water."

"Your entire body is already covered. Where. Did. You. Get. It?"

He smirked.


He shrugged.

"What the hell is wrong with you two?"

He grabbed my face, glaring at me.

"A lot of things. Your packages arrived. If you wanna set up your kindle, be nice." He whispered.

"Can I see where you got it?" I imagined groin or something.

"Of course you can. Now get your perfect ass inside before I make it red." He threatened so I went inside and looked at Davian's throat, feeling over the plastic layering covering it.

"Did that hurt?"


"Where is his? I need a straight answer."

"Get a water, your voice doesn't sound good." He said and I frowned.

But listened.

I want that damn kindle.

He took a box upstairs and Davian left to grab the last one as I followed Kieran.

"Where?" I asked.

"You sure?" He asked.

"It's my damn name!"

He undid his belt and jeans.

He pulled his jeans down and I expected it right above his dick but no.

He lifted his shirt a bit, pulling down his underwear with his pants.

I gasped.

"That's not funny." My hand covered my mouth.

"I know it isn't."

"I have a lot of questions but the first is why?"

"Because why not? You own me." He shrugged.

"Second question?"

"Did it hurt?"


"Third?" He asked.

"You're huge. I don't think that we should progress." I teased.

"Your name is on my dick, Morana. You're riding that shit. You'll take me just fine." He pulled his pants up.

"You two are psychopaths."

"We know." Davian dropped the box and saw his pants undone.

"You showed her?"

He nodded.

My name was in beautiful calligraphy down the top of his shaft.

Morana Alistar

My name was in the same calligraphy at the base of Davian's throat.

"When did you decide this?"

"When I finished my painting. Didn't he tell you to drink your water?" Kieran asked.

I nodded.

"Listen please." Davian opened it and handed it to me.

I drank it.

"Good job, pretty girl." Kieran praised.

My clit throbbed with the name.

They both stared at me, my body feeling so microscopic and studied under their eyes.

"Why the layers?" Kieran asked.

I shrugged, tugging at the seam of my sweatshirt.

Davian licked his lips, Kieran toying with the ring on his lip.

"What?" I whispered.

"Drink more water. Please." Davian murmured.

So I did.

Till half the bottle was gone.

"Come here." Kieran motioned me over with his fingers so I walked toward them.

Kieran grabbed my throat, Davian reaching for my sweater and lifting it, feeling over my stomach as Kieran gripped my throat, restricting my air.

I was so bloated I couldn't wear anything tight without feeling too big.

He gripped the skin of my stomach and my side, hand moving down my hip.

I frowned.

"Want me to stop?" He asked.

"Why'd you grab my belly?" I whispered.

"Because I fucking love it. Is that an issue?" He quirked a brow.

"I guess not."

"Don't be insecure. Toward others, maybe, but not with us." Kieran shrugged.

"You're too fucking pretty. It pisses me off." Davian studied my chest as if he could see my tits through the sweater.

"Aren't we doing my library?"

"You're more entertaining." Kieran hummed.

Davian let me go, moving behind me.

I was standing against him, Kieran stepping closer and kissing me.

He moaned and I gasped as Davian's hand cupped my groin over my sweats.

"I think Kieran needs a turn having you before we start the library. You need to relax, you're tense." Davian kissed my neck.

I remember the incredible feeling of Davian being there.

Kieran looked hungry.

I nodded.


"Okay what?"

"You can eat me out." I mumbled, nervous with the phrase I'd never thought I'd say.

He hummed, grabbing my face, kissing my throat, licking up it and to my jaw, kissing my jawline, his tongue moving up the side of my face before moving and kissing me.

I would have never thought to be into that but it felt so natural.

"Can I ask you to do something?" I turned to Davian.


"Choke me hard. Talk mean. Please?" I whispered, terrified.

He smirked.

"Be a good slut and walk your sexy ass to his room. You're gonna ride his face like a good girl." He slapped my ass and I internally melted.

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