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"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8"
"These steps are ugly haha," Anntonia said whispering
"Stop, they're gonna hear you haha"
"You wanna hear something interesting?" Anntonia asked while she got closer to me
"Of course I do, what is it? Hahaha" I reply excitingly
"One of the candidates here told me that her roommate doesn't talk to her, when this candidate tried talking to her she chose to ignore it," she said in her low voice while whispering.

Every time I hear her low voice, I always get goosebumps. Her normal voice is so hot that I wish her voice was the one I'm gonna hear say Good Morning to me every morning in bed.

"Tell me, tell me who these candidates you're talking about," I said trying to convince her to tell me
"No, I won't tell you."
"Come on Anntonia, please just tell me," I said cutely while I held her hand

I kinda regret doing that but, when I saw her face after I did that; her eyes went wide, her hands got cold, I could see her getting goosebumps and, I could feel her heart pounding. Our hearts pounding.

Looking into her eyes is like looking at the night sky, black, but it's shining. Suddenly I can't hear anything except my pounding heart, every candidate rehearsing disappeared, she's all I can see and I love it.

"Miss Philippines! Miss Thailand!" I heard someone is shouting, when I realized that many people were looking at us I immediately let go of her hand.
"Miss Philippines and Miss Thailand, please focus on rehearsing"
"Yes ma'am, sorry," Anntonia said
"Ok. 20 minutes break ladies."

"Woah, what was that?" I thought to myself while chugging my water
"Ohh, Michelle calm down," A familiar voice said
"Sorry haha, I just got nervous, I thought she was gonna scold us"
"Awww, this little baby is scared to be scolded" she teasingly said
"Oh my god, Ann stop" I replied
"Ann? You called me Ann!?"
"Isn't that your name?"
"It is my name, you used to call me Miss Thailand or Anntonia I'm just shocked you called me Ann. It hits differently when you are the one calling me that" she said seriously.

"Ok ladies let's rehearse again"

6:35 PM

After rehearsing I went to my room to take a hot shower, still thinking about what Anntonia said about me calling her Ann.

"Ann. I heard her friends and her manager called her that, but if I call her Ann it hits differently. haha, silly girl."
"Michelle, are you there? Who are you talking to? We have to go to dinner now"

"What the heck, my roommate is here? What the heck, I think she heard me" I said to myself

"Oh. Yeah right. I'll just finish this, you can go first" I replied

6:50 PM

When I went to where the dinner was located I felt very nervous, I looked at every corner and every face to look. I don't know who I am looking for; My heart is still pounding when

"Michelle come here"

Suddenly everything is quiet, I don't hear anything, no noise, just that voice
"Michelle here"
That voice again. I love hearing that voice. It keeps me calm.
When looking back I saw Anntonia telling me to sit at their table, she's with Miss Laos and Miss Mexico.

"Come here, I reserved a seat just for you," Anntonia said winking
"Hi. Hi Miss Laos, Hi Miss Mexico"
"Here have a seat," Miss Mexico said
I sat between Miss Mexico and Miss Thailand.
"You're not gonna eat?" Miss Mexico asked me
"No, I'm not hungry hehe"
"Eh? So why did you go down here, you should have stayed in your room and have some rest"
"I got bored there, so I just decided to go down here and meet some of the candidates. I haven't met all of them haha"
I lied in Miss Mexico's face, I don't even know the exact reason why I was here, I just feel like I wanted to see someone but I don't know who is it.

'trrrr trrrr trrr'

"I have to take this guys" Anntonia said
I saw the caller's name. Irfan. Irfan is the name of the person who is calling her.
"Her boyfriend is calling her nonstop. When we arrived here, he's calling, when we started eating, he's calling and now he's still calling, her boyfriend is missing her too much" Miss Laos said
"Yeah, and she seems very annoyed about it," Miss Mexico said
"You think so? I think Anntonia like it but she's pretending to be annoyed" Miss Laos added
"Sorry 'bout that guys haha, so what are you talking about?" Anntonia ask
"We were just talking about the.... Food," Miss Laos said
"Yeah, the food, Michelle is missing out haha" Miss Mexico added
"Yeah the food is really good haha, we should go beside the pool after dinner, y'know to get some air, I checked the pool it looks like relaxing there," Anntonia said
"Yeah yeah that's a good idea" they replied
"Sorry guys I don't think I can go with you, I feel very tired, I'll just go back to my room and have some sleep," I said
"Aw, it's ok, maybe next time"
"Bye guys, see you tomorrow," I said as I stood and waved them goodbye.

Suddenly I'm in a bad mood I just wanna go to sleep and hope that when I wake up it's already the day of the pageant, I can't stay here for so long, the feelings I'm having right now are not really good.

11:15 PM

I can't sleep, I've been closing my eyes for almost 5 hours but still can't sleep.

"The pool, I should go there, for sure people here are already asleep, I should take some air," I thought to myself

When I arrived at the pool, I saw a girl with, a great body figure, all I could see is her back but I sure she's very pretty.
I'm walking really slow cuz I don't wanna disturb her but I step on rock
"Ouch" why is there a fcking rock here god damn it
"Oh my god, you scared me haha are you okay?
It was Melissa Flores, Miss Mexico
"Omg sorry I disturbed you, and I'm fine haha I just stepped on a rock"
"It's okay, you're not disturbing me, here have a seat, is your feet okay?"
"Um, I guess so, I can move it, it's fine besides it's just a small rock, I always step on them in the Philippines"
"Oh, so why are you here? I thought you were going to sleep?"
"I tried but I can't"
"Haha same, I can't sleep something in my mind is bothering me"
"You know you can tell me," I said, before she answered she got quiet she might be thinking if she should tell me or not.
"Ok, I'll tell you something about myself. But, you have to promise that you won't tell anyone" Melissa said
"Oh ok. I promise" I said while I offered to pinky promise
"Michelle, I'm gay, and at first I thought I am bisexual but I think I like girls more. I don't have a problem with that, but I think I like someone here"
"Oh,so what's the problem about it? Are you scared that she might be straight?" I asked
"No, I think she likes someone else"
"Well, how would you know if you don't ask her"
"I don't need to ask her, I can see how in love she is in her eyes"
"Damn, do you mind telling me who is the lucky girl?" I asked her jokingly
"what? Haha I can't"
"haha don't worry it's fine, but do you mind telling me what you like about her?"
"I would love to," she said very excited
"I'll listen"
"She is the girl that everybody wants, she's the girl that every parents wants to be their children's partner, she's kind, very pretty, funny, a good speaker, everything, she got everything, she's also good with children. I saw her last week at the event with the kids, the kids like her, kids likes to hug her. She is perfect" She said, I was surprised that she trusted me so much
"Woah, you must really love her so much, she is very lucky that you like her" Very lucky girl indeed

"Oops it's getting late we have rehearsals tomorrow morning we have to sleep early haha" she reminded
"Oh yeah, you can go first, I'll just get some more air here"
"OK, I have to go now, bye. Please keep your promise"
"Haha ok, I will. Good night"

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