Jane the Killer

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(21 in college)

First Meeting her

It was a peaceful night, the weather was cool, the breeze was soft, and the crickets were singing their songs. Sitting at your bay window you opened it and stuck your head out a bit, causing your hair to lightly move from the breeze. Giving a small smile you crossed your arms and rested your head on them. You watched the stars twinkle in the dark and soon felt your eyes close shut. ¥¥¥ You jolted awake for an unknown reason. Sitting up and stretching your eyes scanned your bedroom. Nothing looked wrong so why did it feel wrong to be in that room. Closing the window and locking it you flicked the light on and gasped. Now sitting on your bed was a woman that looked about your age with pure white skin and pure black eyes wearing a leather crop top and leather skirt with ankle wedge boots. You blushed and started messing with the bottom of your shirt. "Wh-Who are y-you?" You stuttered out of shyness which the killer took it as fear. Getting up from your bed she walked over to your and trailed a finger down your cheek and under your chin, then pulled it up so you could look at her. Your eyes stared into her completely black ones and you blushed again. Leaning down into your ear she smirked and whispered "I'll be back sweetie." She pulled her hand away and you blinked, only to see no one in your room.

Hanging out

The girl did come back after you thought you were losing your mind. "Aw did the little scaredy cat miss me?" She asked and you blushed and shook your head. "I-I'm not scared, I just don't like people." You replied quietly. "So kitten, do you have a name or should I keep up with the nicknames?" "It's (Y/N)." "Cool, you busy now?" You shrugged your shoulders which made her roll her eyes. "I'm Jane, now let's go shopping!" She squealed as she dragged you out of your house and to your car where the two of you spent the day shopping at the mall.

Weird feeling around her

You've known Jane now for about 2 months. Over the time you've grown close to her which makes you very happy. Being the shy girl you are it was hard to make some friends. But that was the thing, you felt more than friendship around her. You blushed at the thought of her. 'She's very pretty, funny, smart, kind, and even sarcastic. I haven't felt this way around someone since the 8th grade on that boy Jallal." You wrote in your journal. "Does this mean I... Love her?"

When she confesses

You and Jane were sitting on the couch watching some Fairy Tail when she suddenly squealed. "OMFG! (Y/N) isn't Mirajane hot!" You jumped and slightly nodded feeling a tiny wave of jealousy come over you. "Which way do you roll?" She suddenly asked and you blushed. "I um, wh-why do you want to know?" You stuttered and she smiled. "Cause I want to know if you would say yes to a date with me." You blinked processing what she replied with in your head. "Wh-What?" Was all you could reply with and she gave an annoyed sigh. "I basically said that I like you and asked do you like me too." You blushed 50 shades of red and gulped before slightly nodding." She seemed happy with that and smiled widely before going back to the show.

When she asks you out

It's been a few days since Jane confessed. Sitting at your bay window with the book "Dorothy Must Die" you flipped the page. "Oh miss shy~" you heard Jane call from the kitchen which made you curious. "What is she doing?" You mumbled to yourself and walked into the kitchen. There Jane held 2 bags in her hands. "So, I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me." You blushed and tried to say yes but it came out a jumbled mess. Finally you squeaked out a "Yes!" And turned away so she wouldn't see your tomato face. You could tell that she was excited and handed you a bag. "Change into this and we'll go." You shyly took the bag and went to your room.

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