When you kill someone

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It was a beautiful spring night and you were sitting on a swing at the park with (Creepypasta Boyfriend) talking. Suddenly he got up and said that he would be right back. You smiled and nodded saying that you would be alright even though you were nervous. Going into your hoodie pocket you grabbed the pocket knife that (Creepypasta Boyfriend) had gotten you. You carried it everywhere with you just in case. About 5 minutes had passed and you heard some bushes rustle. Thinking it was just an animal you sighed. You grabbed your phone and looked at the time which now read 8:06 pm. The bushes rustled again and your eye snapped back to them. Your heart started pounding in your chest and your breathing came out faster. You got up and was just about to run away when something came out of the bushes. You turned your attention to behind you to see it was a guy grabbing your arm. You yelled at him to let go but he just laughed. "What's a pretty doll like you doing here so late at night, and all alone?" He slurred. You could smell the alcohol and cigarettes on him and gagged. "P-Please let go!" You stuttered but the man didn't, he just held on tighter and laughed. You went into your pocket and grabbed the knife and got in a stabbing position. The guy didn't notice and started to drag you away from the park. You screamed and plunged the knife down into his arm. He yelled and held his now wounded arm. The adrenaline still rushed through you so you kept swinging the knife at him and scratching and stabbing the guy. When he fell down you got on your knees and stabbed him repeatedly until you felt someone grab your wrist and stopped you. You looked and saw that it was (Creepypasta Boyfriend). Letting go of the knife you looked at the now dead man and realized that you had made him unrecognizable. You gasped and shook and felt a tear go down your cheek. (Creepypasta Boyfriend) gently hugged you, telling you it would be ok. You nodded your head and grabbed the knife and stuck it back into your pocket. Standing up you looked down at your hands which were now red from the blood. You sniffled and grabbed the mans arm and started dragging him away into the woods near the park. Dropping the body into some bushes you turned around and walked back to the park where (Creepypasta Boyfriend) was getting rid of any evidence that you had just killed someone. He looked up and smiled at you while you forced a smile back. (Creepypasta Boyfriend) then took you home where you took a shower and went to bed.

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