Chapter 11

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"N-no it's not sir" I said with my head bowed low.
"You were cleaning those empty rooms, and you didn't think to clean mine first, where the fuck is your head at?"
"I-i'm sorry sir" I said and quickly carried the cleaning supplies and walked past them.
"And where the hell are you going?" He asked irritatedly.
"I'll be back later sir, I'm trying to give you guys some privacy to do urgh..." he turned around with furrowed brows,
"To do what?" Great Ayla, remind me how I found myself in this situation.

I blinked severally thinking of what to say,
"To do what Ayla" he asked again.

"Uhmm to d-do the deed" I stuttered avoiding his harsh gaze.

The woman beside him chuckled out loud and he looked over at her warningly and she akwardly stopped giggling.

He quickly returned his intense gaze back to me,
"You're not going anywhere Ayla, carry on with the cleaning" I stared at him stunned.

Does this man want to give me a heart attack, what does he mean by I should carry on with the cleaning when his was with a woman, whom he would soon start fucking any moment from now. I swallowed hard with a protest forming on my lips.
"Sir p-please I can come back later, you need your privacy sir" I pleaded,

"Well you didn't think about that before now did you? Start cleaning, I want everywhere spotless" he said nonchalantly and led the woman to the bed.
He slapped her hard on her butt and I jerked at the sound.

She giggled and got on the bed after taking off her heels. He stood at the side of the bed taking off his tie while staring at her with a smirk.

Oh my god, why is he doing this to me, how am I supposed to be cleaning while they fucked in the same room.

My blood ran cold, my heart ached at the thought of it, bringing my shaky hands to my chest, I tried to take deep breaths and control myself.

Ayla this is clearly a nightmare, wake up, wake up Ayla,
"Ayla" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over at him.

"Are you just gonna stand there, start cleaning immediately."  He said and took off his suit coat. He got on the bed and began kissing the woman right in front of me.

He was on top of her with her arms around his neck as she moaned against his lips. The nerve of this people.
Few minutes later he flipped her over to be on top of him and she cried out with a shrill voice,
"Oh Damien stop it" she said playfully while she straddled him.

Mr Dante slapped her butt hard again and she wiggled it in his hands while biting her lips seductively.

Oh my god I can't watch any longer. I ignored them and began dusting the beautiful artworks hung on his grey walls.
With my back facing them, I could still hear her loud and clear.
"Oh Damien, I love how you know my sweet spot" she moaned, oh great now I'm guessing his sucking on her neck.

I felt a pang of jealousy seep through me, I really don't know why.

Maybe it's because I haven't been in a romantic relationship before.

I felt his gaze burning at my back, I slowly turned around and met his intense gaze on me as he kissed her neck.
He stopped and gave me a devilish smirk and said to the woman on top of him,
"Take off your clothes" he said to my hearing without breaking off eye contact with me. The woman on top of him began taking off her clothes not minding that I was in the same room with them.

He really wants to fuck her in my presence, okay then, let me see him try. I stopped dusting the artworks and walked over to them. I started whistling a song while trying to arrange the pillow that he was lying on.
They both looked at me puzzled but i didn't bat an eyelash.
"What are you doing Ayla?" He asked harshly,
"What do you mean sir I'm clearly arranging the pillow case" I said with an obvious look and continued whistling a song.
"I get that you're arranging the pillows, but can't you see that I'm lying on them?"
"Well sir I'm only carrying out my duties like you said and if you don't mind, can you both please get up, cause I want to arrange the bed" I said nonchalantly and they both furrowed their brows.
"The bed is already well arranged Ayla" he said warningly with an angry expression.
"But now you both are on it and it's scattered, besides I need to change the sheets, so please sir get up and let me do my job"
They both looked at each other and looked at me surprised but I couldn't care less, I was simply doing what he asked me to do.
"Mam, please stand up so that he can get up as well, I need to change the sheets for you to be much more comfortable." She squeezed her face angrily,
"Are you nuts? You must be delusional to think that I would..."

"Get out" Mr Dante said lowly interrupting her. I smiled happily,
"Gladly sir, please carry on with your deeds, I was never here" I said with a smile and turned around to leave.

"Not you Ayla, I meant her" I stopped in my tracks and turned around swiftly with wide eyes.

A dark intense look crossed his features as he glared at me. He turned over to the woman on top of him who was still as confused as I was,
"Get out Cassandra" he said and she gaped at him.

"What do you mean by I should get out, I mean she should be the one leaving, and my name is not Cassandra it's Amanda. How many times am I supposed to tell you my name Damien?" She asked angrily.

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