Lala 2

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Haaa!, girls, they're so pickle minded!. My finger bled like hell and so I put some antiseptic on it and bandaged it neatly. Being a first aid nursing assistant has its perks and I can even stich my own self if get stabbed or shot. Anyway, let's not talk about me but Jessie. She has beautiful long hair, eyes and mouth which I would love to kiss but she might bite my lips and would look like chucky if I go to work and that would infuse questions, doubts, so it won't be smart. Hmm! How about, if I cut her now and then make my own chewy skin for a change that looks like a burger with yellow skin on top and bottom. Then the blood, part of her skin's meat would be the patty and I'll just add lettuce on it to look more realistic, delectable in the eyes. Good!

After taking a warm bath and listening to classical music. I ate my dinner of barbecued lamb chops and mashed potatoes with a little glass of white wine to make it romantic. I chose a sexy red dress for Jessie to match my black and white suit, for tonight is a special evening for both of us. And I want to make an impression. Jessie was still handcuffed when I tore off her clothes off, they're cheap and ugly anyways. So I told her to behave when I take the handcuffs so she can wear the dress I bought her. She agreed and I was a fool to believe she'd really be nice.

But the moment I loosen the cuffs, she kicked me on the groin, if I did have one it would definitely hurt like mad. But well, it was painful but not as much if I had the... yeah get the point!. Jessie ran and went to the entrance door but I always lock it from the inside where no one else can find the key but Dave. Jessie tried to escape and went running towards my front glass doors to the front yard but it's also locked and the back yard door, even the windows upstairs. I don't; usually open the windows when I turn the heater on the living room. So there's no need opening any doors or windows since it's very cold in Germany in Christmas season. Jessie was crying and shouting to get the hell away from her and so on, so forth.

Jess!, give it up!, there's no way out of here. I made sure of that I designed this house. So quit making me run after you and let's get on with it, I shouted.

Jessie tried to hide her way of this but I am smart that I know every inch and closets here and upstairs so no one could ever hide form me unless I let it. Jessie got tired and hid on the cleaning area which isn't big that she could lay down on sleep in it. So she just stood and waited and was breathing heavily from the running. I found her since Jessie's breathing was heavy and getting shallow since it's hot inside that room and there's no ventilation of any sort. When I found Jessie and opened the cleaning room, she fell like a dead girl on the floor and carried her to the Savior.

I got annoyed and mad at Jessie for blowing off a romantic occasion. I would have proposed to her if she wasn't 16 or 17 maybe. Anyway, she is strapped again on the table and now prepped up for the fun. I kissed Jessie on the cheek while she's still passed out. When I gave her a kiss on the lips, she eventually woke up but couldn't shout anymore since she has a tape on her mouth to shut her up. Well, actually I already kissed her on the lips before I taped it.

She's as stubborn as hell so to make her a good girl, I held one of my surgical knives which I all sterilized so as not to be yucky. Jessie woke up and looked at me in terror. She was screaming from the top of her lungs and was struggling to get out of the leather straps which is no use really for I made sure my straps are tight and strong. I put the mask on her mouth after taking off the tape so she could inhale the anesthetics that I usually use for my girls in my operations. Lidocaine was always effective but I think it's only used to numb the teeth but hell, okay. Jessie was already groggy and so I started to use my knife and cut her skin on the arm. The anesthesia makes you feel high and numb at the same time, just like what my heart feels, really. Jessie felt happy, cause she was laughing and feeling horny to for I placed a kind of drug and pill on her cake to let her enjoy what we're going to do now.

LAURAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora