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Sejal :

We were silent during the whole ride and soon we reached the hotel and he parked his car in the parking area while he got down from the car and then came to my side, unlocked my side of the door.

I was confused not knowing that why we were here , so I asked him out "hum idhar kyu aaye hai ?."

To which he replied " because I am staying here , and after a while we will be heading to Chandigarh."

To which I just stayed quiet and followed him to his room and soon he unlocked his room and actioned me to enter the room . I entered and was scanning the room and just stood in the corner , not knowing what exactly to do also I was hell nervous because of his presence as it was the first time we both were sharing the room together.

He entered and said me "beth jao , khadi kyu ho ."

I just nodded and sat on the bed and was sitting silently

He asked me out "do you want to eat something?"

I just responded with " no , I'm fine"

But he said me again that I must eat something, so I told him to just order some grilled sandwich and juice for me , which he did and went out of the room saying that he is having some pending work regarding his office and he'll we be here in a while.

Adhyaan :

I moved out of the room stating that I had some work regarding my office , but it wasn't like that . It's just that I thought that she might be feeling uncomfortable with my presence inside the room and it might get little awkward for her whilst having her breakfast . So , I just headed out of the room.

From here we will be leaving to my place , I was adamant of sharing everything with my family and not hide anything from them irrespective of their reactions because someday this truth has to come out then why not today ? . I was so prepared to tell everything to my family but she kept her condition of moving in with us on the condition that I must not reveal the news to my parent's.

I don't get what's the point even behind this condition like we're married and she's my wife , for how long are we going to hide this but I just didn't get her why she kept this condition. When I was prepared for telling everything, then she kept this condition.

I have to think of some way to make her move in my house . No body knows about it not even Tara and I'm not even willing it to tell anyone at this point of time because I don't trust them , they can spill the beans out at any moment and already she's kept the condition and I can't let anything go wrong at this point of time . Not atleast now . I'll think later of how to reveal all these to my parent's, for now let's go on with the flow.

Apart from that , what is she even supposed to do here , her parent's are not willing to trust her. I just hope everything turns fine one day because I can clearly see the hurt on her face that how much hurt and sad she's been feeling from all the happenings of today . I just hope she feels better after having some food further more I didn't had any idea what should I speak at that moment and nor did I wanted to hurt her unintentionally by saying something that might trigger her more as I have already done lot of damage in this one year.

Sejal :

After having the sandwich , I was going to have my juice but the glass slipped from my hand and it fell on my kurti . Ahhhgh , this was the least thing which I wanted to happen now . What am I supposed to do now?

I sighed after seeing my kurti it was almost drenched in the juice , I was so sad after seeing my kurti as it was one of my favourite kurti. I thought of cleaning it with water , so I went towards the bathroom and started cleaning it with water . It did cleaned but still it was feeling little sticky and cherry on the top it was a white kurti and it had totally became transparent. I'm so pissed at this moment, what am I supposed to do now not do I have any extra pair of clothes.

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