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Sejal :

I woke up to the sound of my alarm at around six-thirty, just like any other morning. But this time, something felt different. It was like a wave of positivity washed over me, filling me with a fresh and optimistic outlook for the day ahead. Why? Because today was the day I had been dreaming about for years - my first day as an illustrator, my dream job. Art has always held a special place in my heart, and now I get to turn that passion into a career. It's an incredible feeling.

Ever since I was a kid, I had this natural talent for art and painting. It was like a hidden passion that just grew and grew without me even realizing it. And that's why today, I'm filled with so much happiness. I don't want anything to spoil this special day for me. But you know what's cool? This job isn't your typical nine-to-five gig. It's all about designing logos, characters, and graphics - basically bringing my client's wildest ideas to life! Today, I'll finally find out what project I'll be working on, and then it's all about creating something amazing and delivering it to them.

It's amazing when your job aligns perfectly with your passion, isn't it? So, with all these exciting thoughts swirling in my head, I headed towards the washroom to freshen up. After taking care of my morning routine, I decided to wear a vibrant short kurti with jeans. I applied a refreshing body lotion and left my hair down, giving it a natural look. A touch of lipbalm on my lips completed my simple yet stylish look, but not forget I did wore my mangalsutra and vermillion. And just like that, I was all set and ready to take on the day.

Around 7:15, I wrapped up all my tasks and made my way to the kitchen to lend a hand to the staff. Since I'm staying here for free, I feel it's only fair to help out and not feel like I'm just taking up space. Plus, it's a great way to show my appreciations. After all, it's the little acts of kindness that can truly brighten someone's day. And even though not everyone may realize it, there are definitely people who appreciate having me around.

After lending a hand in the kitchen, I found myself helping with the usual tea and breakfast preparations. I have to admit, though, I'm getting a bit tired of the same old breakfast every day. But hey, it's their house and their choice, so I can't really complain. As everyone started making their way downstairs, I took it upon myself to arrange the plates. That's when I noticed Tara and Urvashi exchanging a look, and then their gaze shifted towards me. It's moments like these that can really shake my confidence, you know? Their mean looks, shared between them, make me feel a bit underconfident. But I choose to ignore them and concentrated on my work

After a while she sat at her respective seat and spoke with a very sweet smile, which was little bit of a task to digest it , that too when it's coming from Tara.

" Well, we have staffs to do all these. But I don't mind you doing all these."

I couldn't quite understand what she was trying to convey with all those words. But one thing was clear, her message wasn't exactly positive. I could sense that much. I mean, why does she have to make those comments? I genuinely don't mind doing the things I do. It's not like it's some menial task. But instead of engaging with her, I decided to let it slide and remain silent. Sometimes, it's better to keep our words to ourselves. So, I just observed as they got engrossed in their own conversation.

After some time, everyone started making their way down and finding their designated seats, except for Adhyaan. He's always the last one to join us,It's become sort of a routine. And then, like clockwork, I took my seat just like I do every day. But then, out of nowhere, a voice echoed through the room, booming and demanding attention. It was unexpected, to say the least. I couldn't help but wonder what was about to unfold.

"You can sit somewhere else today Sejal , we have a guest today to sit there . I hope you don't mind"

And guess who the voice belonged to? It was Tara, speaking with that sarcastic yet sweet smile of hers. I just gave a nod and found my place at the end of the room, mustering a small smile. There wasn't much for me to say, or rather, I knew I couldn't say much.

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