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"Will you go grab Jace?" Alec whispered

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"Will you go grab Jace?" Alec whispered. 

I nodded walking through the crowd while Isabelle spoke with her brother. Jace pulled his head out of his ass and named Alec the head of the institute. It was the right choice to make and I'm proud that he could do it. I could hear slight notes from the piano and talking.

"Hey," I peeked in. Sebastian was sitting in the room with him. "Alec is about to make an announcement."

They both nodded and followed me back into the main room. Alec standing on the stairs ahead of all of us. It suited him, to be a leader. 

"We've lost seven of our own, but we can't allow a single radical Seelie to define the entire downworld, any more than we can allow Valentine to define all Shadow hunters. So to restore unity with our allies, I will be hosting regular cabinet meetings here with the downworld leaders of New York." Alec spoke his eyes moving across the crowd.

"I'm all for unity, but does he have to bring them here," Lindsay whispered.

"What did you expect he's familiar with the downworlders."

"I still can't believe Alec Lightwood is in charge." She added.

"Just wait, in a week it will, be someone else," Marcus scoffed. I turned to look at both of them.

"Show some respect," Isabelle snapped.

"You both need to shut the hell up and fall in line," I hissed. They looked at me and then the floor.

"Please, let's make the downworlders feel welcome," Alec added. 

His eyes stayed on me as I looked back up. Everyone broke apart. I was going to go after Lindsay and Marcus. Probably would slap some sense into them, but Clary tugged me toward her.

"Look at you, in charge for a week and already shaking things up," Jace joked. "I think this cabinet thing is a good idea."

"I'm not sure everyone agrees," Alec sighed. He gave me a tight smile.

"All the more reason to do it," She nodded.

"How can we help?" I asked.

"I need you and Jace for a mission. Going to the Seelie court," Alec sighed. "You too Lena."

"Where is that?" Clary asked.

"The nearest entrance is at the city park, but it's in another realm. Where the Seelie queen lives," Isabelle explained.

"I've requested an audience with her to discuss Kaelie's crimes. However, she said she'll only meet with Valentine's experiments." Alec said. I crossed my arms. 

"Charming nicknames," Clary scoffed.

"You think the Seelie Queen is responsible for Kaelie's attacks?" I asked.

Til The Bitter End | Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now