Author's note and playlist

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...Or "Let me indulge myself to procrastinate on writing" would be a better title, haha. But no, really, I do feel like indulging a bit myself today. 

Music is a big part of the creative process for any artist (not just musicians). Stephen King listens to rock 'n roll. Aron Sorkin listens to classical. R.R Martin listens to nothing because I'm pretty sure the dude has given up on writing Winds of Winter (screw him). 

But really, music is quite important part of my writing. Not just the music that I listen to but the music of stories themselves. And stories do indeed have music. The music in the prose, the music in the dialogue, the music in the way different plot threads weave around each other and how the story moves at its own tempo, rising and falling at just the right moments and sometimes ending in grand crescendos. There certainly is music in literature (ask my buddy Shakespeare, he'll agree). 

The kinda music I vibe to while writing and before writing and after writing is all over the place. There is always the occasional movie soundtrack or some anime ost that gets me hyped up to write and keeps me at the keyboard. But the kinda music that really pushes me into the world of my story is an ironic needle-drop. 'Needle-drop' is  basically a song played in the movie at a specific moment. Think of Frank Sinatra's 'That's Life' playing in the background when Joaquin Phoenix's character walks down the brightly lit hospital hallway, leaving behind a trail of bloody footprints.  

So, this playlist is basically that. These aren't just songs that I listened to while writing. But the songs you can imagine hearing in the background if this story was a movie. 

So here's the playlist. I hope you enjoy:

1. Scarborough fair / Canticle by Simon and Garfunkel

2. We'll meet again by Vera Lynn

3.  I don't want to set the world on fire by The Ink Spots 

4. Sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel

5. California Dreamin' by Mamas and Papas

6. Ain't no sunshine by Bill Withers.

7. Man of constant sorrow by Soggy Bottom Boys

8. All along the Watchtower by Bob Dylan 

9. Waiting around to die by The Be Good Tanyas

10. Horse with no name by America. 

11. What a wonderful world by Louis Armstrong 

Wait, these are all old songs?! Well, I'm an old school guy and good music is not a music of any period. It's something you listen to because it is the best music for the moment. 

Mind you this playlist is just for the first arc. So there will be more playlists in the future. Until then, enjoy the music in stories.


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