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Beth's attention was suddenly diverted back to the present as she heard a noise outside her room. Getting up, she put on her robe and went out to investigate. What she saw surprised her. It was Bobby Anderson, one of the twins walking toward his room, carrying a can of coke.


Bobby froze, suddenly startled.

"And just what do you think you're doing, young man?"

Bobby turned around slowly, and hung his head, looking very guilty. But he remained silent at Beth's question.

"It seems to me, Bobby Anderson, that I explained the rules just this morning, while you and your brother were over my knees. Am I mistaken about that?"

This time, Bobby did respond. "No, Miss Ashley."

"So, when I said this morning that the only reason to leave your room after lights out was for an emergency, you just ignored what I said and directly disobeyed me, is that correct?"

Bobby shrugged his shoulders. "I...I guess so."

"You guess so? What kind of answer is that? I tell you one thing and you do the opposite? I don't think it leaves anything to guess about, young man. I am very upset with you. Now the question is, is that coke just for you or for your brother also?"

"Just for me, Billy's asleep."

"Are you sure about that, or are you just protecting him? Tell you what, if I check and find out he's awake, you'll be spanked every day for a week. Are you sure you want to stay with your answer?"

"He is asleep, he really is."

Beth looked at the boy's eyes, and believed him.

"I don't want to wake up the entire wing with your spanking, Bobby, so come with me."

Beth guided Bobby toward her room. They went inside, over to the stool in the room. It wasn't the first time Beth had spanked a student in her room. She sat down on the stool, and then turned Bobby across her lap. She grasped the waistband of Bobby's pajama bottoms and slowly pulled them down to his knees, baring his bottom.

"I can't believe that it didn't even take one day for you to ignore what I told you this morning. Obviously, I didn't spank you hard enough to make a sufficient impression on you. Perhaps this spanking will help you obey my directions."

Unlike his previous spanking that morning, this spanking was not to be a handspanking. Beth picked up the hairbrush sitting on top of her dresser and quickly began spanking. She spanked rapidly and hard, causing Bobby to quickly cry out in pain.

"OW!! OUCH! Stop!! It hurts!!"

"Good, I hope it hurts. Maybe you'll obey me next time. I am not going to stop until I am satisfied you have learned something from this spanking, and not one spank before that."

Beth's words didn't cause her to slow down the spanking as she peppered the boy's reddening bottom with the wooden hairbrush. Nor did Bobby's kicking legs or the twisting of his body. Spank after spank smacked down on the sore behind, causing more and more pain to the now sobbing boy. Beth was determined to make sure Bobby felt this spanking. The rapid-fire spanks continued until she had applied about 50 spanks total. She then stopped, but Bobby continued sobbing. Beth wasn't done with Bobby, however.

"Are you going to listen to what I say and obey me?"


She punctuated her question with a hard spank to each bottomcheek.

"Yes, I will!! Please, no more!!!"

"You better, young man, because you will be right back over my knees, to be spanked like a naughty little boy if you don't. Just remember that!"


With two more spanks, she had Bobby get off her knees and then propelled the sobbing boy to the empty corner to her left with further spanks.

"You just stay there until I tell you can leave. No, leave your pjs where they are and keep your hands away from your behind. No rubbing, unless you want to go back across my knees for another spanking." With that, Beth placed the hairbrush back on her dresser and went back to laying on her bed, adding a new entry to her diary. It was about 15 minutes later that Beth allowed Bobby to pull up his pajama bottoms and turn around.

"OK, Bobby, it's over with."

She hugged the boy, showing she held no resentment, and Bobby, a little uncomfortable at first, reciprocated.

"Now, off to bed, you go. And, this time, stay in your room. Scoot!"

Bobby left, and Beth returned to her interrupted reminisces of when she was a teenager.

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