No Second Chances

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"Boys! Didn't I say to be ready at 6:40? Now, I come in here and see you're only half-dressed!"

It was the next morning and Beth, as promised, had returned to the twins' room for their explanation of rules, along with the sample spanking she had given the other students in her section. She had expected them to both be ready for her, and was both surprised and upset that they weren't. Instead, they only had their shirts, underpants and socks on.

"Perhaps you didn't think I was serious and didn't mean what I said. Well, you will find out that I mean exactly what I say and that I won't put up with any disobedience. I can't wait for you to finish dressing, pick up your pants and shoes and come outside."

Both boys protested, " Can't we put our pants on first? You don't want us to go outside with just our underpants on, do you?"

"Are you still having trouble listening to me? I just said that you are to finish dressing outside, now move it, both of you!"

Beth indicated to the twins to walk in front of her and to go out of the room. As they stood in front of her, she smacked them each on the seat of their briefs, propelling them both outside. As they left the room, she grabbed the stool and brought it outside. To the amused looks of the other 6 students of the section, they made their appearance outside their rooms. Both twins were about to put their pants on, but Beth had other ideas.

"Leave your pants off right now, boys, and stand in front of me. Don't give me that look, do what I say."

Both boys went slowly over to Beth, who was now sitting down on the stool. Both boys had a look that showed that they now had more than an inkling of what was about to happen. As for the other students watching, they had an excellent idea of what was about to take place.

"Please, Miss Ashley, it won't happen again. Give us another chance!" the boys pleaded.

"Be quiet, you two, and come over to my right, that's right, and over you go."

Beth indicated to the boys to go over her knees, which they reluctantly did. As soon as both of them were across her lap and in position, she pulled down the underpants of both boys, leaving their bottoms bare and sticking up. With the boys ready to be spanked, Beth began to explain the rules to the boys, emphasizing the need to be punctual and to do what they are told.

Beth told them, and looked at the rest of her section as well, that if they break the rules, they can expect to be punished and not always in private. It was only a short lecture, and then Beth raised her hand and began spanking. The sound of the spanks echoed through the open area of the wing and brought attention to what was happening. Students from the other sections on that level turned their eyes toward the sight of two boys, across the knees of a housemother, being spanked on their bare behinds. For the other levels, housing the other grades, some of the students were able to watch what was taking place, and others could only hear what was happening. Both twins realized that fact even before the spanking began and had blushed when they thought about others seeing them in their childish position. Right now, though, they could only deal with the pain of Beth's hand spanks. Despite being spanked often at home, even the pain of hand spanks never got dulled by frequent applications, and each spanking brought the same stinging and pain as previous ones.

Unlike the sample spankings of the day before, Beth didn't stop at 25, but continued on, methodically. While not wanting to severely spank the twins, she did want to give them a lesson to remember as well as remind the other students of what they could face if they misbehave. So, spank after spank was applied to the twins' upturned behinds, with their bottoms becoming redder and redder, and the twins' sobs becoming louder and louder. Meanwhile, their audience was growing as more and more students were now outside their rooms and able to see or hear what was going on. After applying approximately 50 spanks to each twin's bottom, Beth stopped the handspanking.

If the twins' expected their spanking to be over with, they were to find out differently. Because Beth reached into her large pocketbook and pulled out a wooden hairbrush, which was identical to the hairbrushes that were in the drawer of each room's small table. The twins were unaware of what Beth was doing and only found out when the first spank of the hairbrush was applied to Bobby's already red bottom. As Bobby cried out in pain, Billy got his first spank with the hairbrush and he reacted in a similar manner. Then Beth applied 25 hard hairbrush spanks to each twin, causing both of them to sob even louder. After the total of 50 spanks were given, Beth ceased the spanking, but kept the twins across her knees, and addressed the twins, while looking at the other students in her section.

"This is what happens when you don't obey me. Do you think you can behave yourselves in the future and do what you are told?"



Beth punctuated the question with a hard spank to each twin.

"Yes, Miss Ashley, we will behave, please don't spank us anymore."

"Well, I certainly hope you behave, and I hope the rest of you (again looking at the rest of the section) have learned something from what you have just seen. If not, you will find yourselves across my knees and your bare bottom will be soundly spanked. Now, Bobby and Billy, lift up so I can get your underpants back up. Then you will get off my knees and put your pants on. We will then go to the cafeteria for breakfast. OK, off you go."

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