~Chapter 1~

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Do read the entire author's note at the end! 🕊✨🥰

~United Kingdom~

A lady  sat amidst a group of man in a meeting room. Wearing a crisp white shirt and a black pencil skirt. Her dark black luscious hair flowing down her shoulders. Her lips with a tint of pink. Her eyes, focused on the screen in front.
And her face,stoic.

Her aura was screaming danger and power.
The one giving the presentation, didn't dare to look into her eyes.

The teammates were just anticipating for her insights in the presentation, they certainly didn't wanted to bring about any other changes in the presentation for the legit fifth time, on the same day, specially wondering over the fact that it was way past office hours, and they were made to work overtime without any bonus, just because, the lady there didn't find the presentation appealing.

She was Rishita Singh Rathore.
The Managing Director of the "Xanderz".

After the presentation, got over, Rishita got up from her sit. She looked at the one giving the presentation, he was certainly holding his breath.
She, just blinked to him, assuring that now "This is fine"!
And after that left from there.

The man in the room didn't release the breathe that they were holding still, as they could hear her clicking of heels.

Once they finally assured that she was gone out of sight, they breathed.

"Finally! She has no issues! ", one of them said.
" I thought.. She would keep us up the whole night! ", the other one pinpointed.
" Now that she's gone, let us leave as well, before something else falls over! ", one of them suggested.

In the basement, Rishita got inside her Rolls Royce and drove away.

_________ _________________ ______________

~Xander Mansion~

She came inside, and sat on the sofa. Just then somebody handed her a glass of water. It was Matthew, the eldest from the Xander clan, the owner of Xanderz.

Rishita took the glass from him and drank.
"You torment them a lot right!
They must be hating you! ", the old man said with a chuckle.

" Like I do care! ", Rishita shrugged.
After few seconds she said, "You shouldn't be up till this late! ".
" You don't tell me what to do and what not too, Young lady! ", Matthew retorted.
" Finee..! ", she again shrugged.

" I tried sleeping, but looks like old age and sleep don't go hand in hand. ", he said after few moments.
" So you agree you are an old hag! ", Rishita chuckled.

" Thank God, my princess doesn't have a sharp tongue like yours! ", he softly said.
" Yeah whatever! "She retorted.
"She's asleep! She waited for you though! ", he told her, as if answering the underlining question that Rishita wanted to know about.

" I am turning out to be a bad mumma na? "She asked with sincerity lacing her voice.
" You can never be a bad mumma Rishi!You very well know that "you are her world". ", the old man coaxed.
" Just give her some time. She misses you at times. "He said as he got up to leave for his room.
" Good night Young Lady! "
"Good night. ", she replied with a sigh as she too got up.

She freshened up in the nearby washroom, and then went upstairs.

There it was, her room.
She slowly opened the door. Her everything, was sleeping peacefully, with that regular frown of hers.
Her daughter. Her Aadhira. Her Ira.

She slowly went near the tiny sleeping figure of her nearly 4 and a half year old daughter.
Gently settling beside her, she softly ran her hand over her hairs.
"I am sorry Sweetheart.
I know Mumma's not making time for you,lately.
Par pakka promise, tomorrow my whole day is yours.
It's just that, business was getting bad, but Mumma handled. Now, it's just us. I'll be there everytime. "She said, as if the sleeping figure could understand her talks.
" You know what happened today, the office people, irritated Mumma a lot. Uhh! But Mumma didn't shout. Sacchi! ", She said again.

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