~Chapter 6~

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Sorry for keeping you'll waiting for long.
I have been occupied by few things lately. 😌🥲

But yeah! Guyys, vote!!!

I really need some motivation to write.
I don't know if I am nagging you'll or something, but you guys seriously need to show me that the tale is worth telling about, and that you guys are interested in it.
And that you'll can do only by voting and commenting.
So please! Do vote and comment. 🥲

Baki, to those you regularly do vote and comment! You guys have my heart! That really does make me want to write. ❤

Okay so next chapter will take some time. Even on Scrollstack it'll be updated by the end of this week or the next week to the most.
I'll start regular updates on Scrollstack from next week.

Baki on wattpad I am still sticking on to the policy of votes and comments, though the targets will be less. Ab utna toh kar hi lena!

For next update,
Votes 50+
( I seriously want the target to be completed for further updates!)

*Sorry if this rant sounded rude!*

Back to the story!

Aadheesh was going mad. His eyes were piercing Rishita's soul.
"Leave! ", Rishita said stomping her foot.
Aadheesh pushed himself more into her.
" I asked something! What the hell were you saying! ", Aadheesh  asked furiously.
" I.. I already.. Said! ", Rishita found herself stammering.

" You know how I feel right now! To pluck those eyes who dared to watch you, cut out those hands that dared to touch you. To castrate that bastard and make him run naked through the streets, before I kill him with my bare hands! ", Aadheesh said maintaining his steady breaths.

" Aadheesh.. ", Rishita was getting very much affected by his presence. She was feeling weak. Her breath was becoming shallower.

Just then her phone rang. She knew who it must be. She cut the call as she did for the last 20-30 times.

Aadheesh released a bit of his hold on her. Rishita took a deep breath, as if trying to calm herself down.
Her phone again ranged.
Now this irritated Aadheesh more, he took her phone and received the call and put it on speaker.

"Where in the hell were you yesterday?
And why in the hell were you not picking up my phone!
You really think you can get away after the stunt that you pulled up, Rishi?
Do you really want to die so badly? Don't anyone of us concern you enough? ", the voice from the other end boomed.

Rishita rubbed her forehead. She knew she had to face him.
It was Luke.
She knew he would have came to know what she did, she feared the repercussions now. Aadheesh was surprised. What was the man on the other end even speaking?

" Luke! We can talk! ", she said timidly.
" Talk! You want to talk, after nearly inviting death at you doorsteps. You fucking want to talk now? ", he shouted.
She could feel his raised anger.
" You certainly don't care about us right! "
"It's not like that Luke. I.. I am sorry! ", she said.
" Sorry! Sorry for what Rishi? Sorry for what? ",he questioned in rage.
" Sorry for drinking? Sorry for biking? Sorry for the accident that might have taken your life? Sorry for what? ", Luke shouted.

Aadheesh felt numb. He was confused! Accident? His Rishi went through an accident? When? How?

" Luke, listen! ", she said softly.
" No, you listen! Tell me about it! Everything. Now. And fucking don't lie! ", Luke shouted, his intensity increasing with each word.

_Ranjish_Where stories live. Discover now