Chapter 20 - coWARd

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Days before Isadora left...

"As in I WANT to kill," said Alexi.

Finn and Tristan looked at him in disbelief. Tristan started, "I would leave that to your father Alex, but you? I cannot believe it."

"I can't explain it, but I went to Hornhill. I stood at the altar of the Gods...I said some things. The next thing I knew," he sighs, "I woke up naked and with a hunger. A pang of hunger that is only described as war-waging. My beast calls out to me, pleading to me to take what is mine and mark it as mine. I want to wage war against my father now, for everything that he has done. For the lies, and pain he has brought to my mother and siblings."

He looked up at his men, "I do not want to be a coward. But, what do I know of war? What am I supposed to do? I have been leashed and paraded like a prized mutt for my father and his smelly court. And, what is worse, he parades his whores and bastards to the standard of my mother and siblings. I am stuck. Like another curse."

Finn spoke up with great strength in his voice, "What the hell were you doing on that altar? I have never even heard of it."

"We are not supposed to know about it, that's why," replied Triston.

Alex looked up at them again with his hands together. "Yes. Please take this to your graves."

"Understood" they both bowed their heads.

"Alex," stated Finn, "I do not know what you did in there, but you will have to deal with it. Being a magical beast is not a curse, you have to live with what you have. You are not alone. The people who care for you will stand with you. I, Triston, your siblings, hell...those men in the camp will stand with you. I have seen you hold your own in spar. It is not war, but a Prince must hold his own until his time comes. As to what your father is doing, we will not know. But, we MUST prepare. Something is coming, and I KNOW you feel it."

Alexi looked up at him.

"What you must realize is, this is for you to discover. I do not know how Sir Tristan feels, but I will NOT go into battle with a coward."

Alexi's eyes turned cyan blue. "I will not be going into battle, serving as a knight, or be in court with a coward King," responded Tristan.

"We have been friends since infancy Alexi, and there is no one I would rather ride into battle with. But, Major Finn is right; this is something you need to realize for yourself. We cannot do this for you. You can choose to stand up to your father and we will stand with you. can choose to walk away."

Major Finn sighed, "We will help you leave if that is what you wish. You do not have much time though. I believe what your father is plotting...well, does not matter what I think."

"He is right," said Tristan, "the faster you get out of here, the further you'll get. The court has been brazen as of late. Duke warned me weeks ago that some might be ill-advising your father. So much as to even start rumors about your betrothed."

Alexi scoffs and stands up. He goes to the window and plants his big arm on the sill. "Figures. Poor girl's family is so rich that now she poses a threat. I wonder if they thought the same of my mother. I am sure she is ready to scathe me after what I have done."

"My Lord, I hope you know that, besides us, there are people in the court and outside the court that what happened to your mother was no accident," confessed Tristan.

"I know who it was," said Alex without looking at them.

Tristan and Finn looked at each other and sighed. They both moved to the door before Tristan spoke, "Please, I beg you, think about what we have discussed."

A sudden light knock came to the door, "Major Kieffen, a scroll from the Capitol has arrived."

The Major furrowed his eyebrows and moved to open the door. "Have you spoken to anyone else of the contents?"

"No Major. But it is set to be read and posted to the public in a few days time. For the King's Generals only at this time."

"Good, thank you. You may go", the soldier left and closed the door.

Finn unrolled the scroll and opened his mouth, "Alexi, you need to see this." He handed the scroll to the Prince without making eye contact.

Alexi moved from the window and grabbed the scroll. "My gods. What has he done."

"What is it," asked Triston.

"To the good people of the Kingdom of Buccina,

As of today, the Year 307, I High King Daemon Buccina, King of the Free Peoples, Enslaver of the Unicorns, and Father to All do make this proclamation:

Upon further investigation and deliberation, the Kingdom of Ceasar is to be held under suspicion for the assassination of the good Queen Caecilia. For this, we hope the current Ceasar, his family, and his court party turn themselves over, without any complications.

If they so much as refuse or decide not to appear before me, the High King, in 6 months time...the Kingdom of Buccina will have no choice but to be forced into war with the Kingdom of Ceasar.

For this, the High King also demands two children over the age of six and ten per family in service to the crown. Failure to do so will result in a 300 uni payment or 3 months in jail.

Also, a 30% tax has been updated.

We understand that times are hard, but times will get harder. Trust in your High King to do the best to keep us all safe and prosperous.

Your good King,

Daemon of Buccina"

Alexi looked up at his friends. Tristan looked at him, "What has he done."

"I do not know, but he just declared war on my friend."

*The picture above is Alex*

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