Chapter 21 - Firtina

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After Alexi read the scroll out loud, the three men tried to go as if nothing happened. Although, deep down they knew the casualty of the events would unfurl. Major Kieffen went and did his rounds checking on the men while Sir Tristan went to write a quick letter to his mother and father, to whom he had left so suddenly. He went back into the Fort and knocked on the Prince's door.

"Come in," responded Alexi.

Tristan came in to find Alexi packing practical clothes into a saddle pack. "What are you doing?"

Alexi looked up at his friend and sighed, "I am sorry old friend. I cannot go against my father. I know the Ceasar will defeat him and, hopefully, I will continue with my dream career as a lumberjack."

He laughed and saw that Tristan looked sad, "It was not what I wanted to hear. But, as my Prince then I will follow you to the end. Even if it means for you to disappear."

Fin walked in and saw the saddle pack on the bed, "So, I guess this is the end of your road as Prince, my Prince."

Alexi stopped everything he was doing to look at the men standing before him, "Yes, my old friend. Funny a few years ago I would have waged war against my own father. it seems as though this country does not need me."

The two men looked at him as if he was spouting nonsense. Fin sighed heavily and started, "I know it seems impossible, but I believe you underestimate your abilities. After what your father has done, I do think the people would look to you to lead them. I just never took you to back out like this is all."

Finn sat down on the bed and Tristan put a hand on his shoulder for support. "I really am sorry for letting you down. For being a coward," said Alexi.

"No one can make you do anything, Alex. We cannot hold a knife to your throat to force you to rule. You want to abdicate, then we must honor your wishes and help you flee. We are your friends, not your father's," explained Tristan while looking down. He was visibly showing his utter shock and sadness for his childhood friend.

"You two are the epitome of friends," he looked down and went to his desk. The Prince opened the drawer that was to the desk and took out a small letter that was sealed. He touched the letter as if it held an honest secret. "If you both ever find yourselves in need the middle of war...send this to the Ceasar. He owes me," he smiled as he held the letter out, "for various times. Just...make sure this doesn't get to the wrong hands. It is your ticket to his army. I cannot help you beyond this," he whispered.

The other two men looked at eachother and Fin took the sealed letter. The seal was a gray wax with a tringle on it and a crown on top if it. "We will guard it with our hearts, my Prince. Alex, where will you go?" Fin took the letter and put it in between his plate armor and chainmail.

"Past the green hills and the town of Blackheath", he answered while stuffing a pair of bottoms and white tunic. "You may not write to me as you may not find me at all."

"To the Teakwood forest", nodded Tristan. Finn looked back at him, "his uncle set up a cabin there. Near the lake. Picture perfect for a moody unicorn," he chuckled. Fin looked at the Prince; Alex looked at them not wanting to confess that his friend was correct.

"I will have my last meal with my friends, then you will both see me out while the men sleep. Your last act of support to your Prince," he said with his head held high.

"But, why eat? You are a unicorn you can eat grass," laughed Tristan. Fin smacked his head as he got up.


Hours later, the men took their Prince to the gate where a small door was found in one of the towers.

Alexi held the harness that held the saddle pack. He gave the harness to Tristan while Fin looked around to make sure only the guards remained posted. "You will have to put this on me after I change. If you don't mind," he explained to Tristan.

Tristan took the harness from him and hel it up to asses. "I see. This is very smart."

Alexi smiled with pride and took the neck of his friend and pressed his forehead to that of his friend's. They both inhaled and said goodbye as brothers of blood. "You take care of yourself, you hear?" Alexi looked at him not wanting to answer in case his voice broke into a sob.

He turned to the Major. They took arms, chest to chest, and patted eachother's backs. Fin felt as if his blood was running away with last hopes. "You will always be the Prince of Kings to us. Don't you forget that."

Alexi looked at his friends and nodded, "This is the right thing. Oh, tell my brother if he raises hell, do me proud."

Tristan laughed and Fin scoffed, they both turned around to give the Prince his privacy. Alex took his clothes off hurridly and put them on the grass gently. He looked up at the wanning moon, hoping that his siblings would understand. He knew far too well that his little brother, Cyro would start raising hell on earth, or the castle, once Tristan got back. He thought of his dear mother, and how much she fought for her children. Until the very end.

He would not let his blood rage be the cause of Absolute Chaos.

He breathed in and let his counterpart take over.

Fin and Tristan turned around to find the beastly, overgrown, horned horse in place of their Prince. Fin moved to help Tristan with putting the harness on the beast, tying and adjusting the straps according to the measurements. As they were done, the beast towered over them with the harness holding the saddle packs each on one side of his flanks.

The beast held his head high and snorted, the night smoke coming out of his nostrils as if to say 'Yes. It is me. So what?'. But, they both knew that Alexi was in there. Fin and Tristan put a fist to their hearts and brought it down as they bowed their heads giving their respect to their Prince one last time.

The beast took off in a dead gallop convering distance at an inhumanely pace. He knew damn well what he was doing and where he was going.

Tristan and Fin finally looked up to see the Prince galloping away. "I will make my return to the capital tomorrow and pretend as if nothing happened. I will keep in touch as much as possible, but not with danger within my walls," said Tristan to Finn without looking at him.

"You do all you can, I cannot. I have ordered my Lieutenant Colonel to gather more men," Finn amitted to the knight without looking at him. Tristan suddenly turned his head to him with raised eyebrows. "Something tells me we will need it, with or without him leading us. His uncle taught me to ALWAYS be prepared. Even against the royal family."

Tristan kept looking at him, "Daen?"

"The one and only," answered the Major.

"May Omni help us", the knight looked back at the dust the unicorn had left.


Isadora finally emerged from the caves with the reins of her mare in hand. The sun hit her with a ferocity and she covered her eyes with her hands. The mare rightened her stance with grace and waited for her friend to get back on the saddle. "With what I just learned, these next few days are going to be horrendous. I will have to stop to just let you rest. Not that my bum already hurts from trying to get here."

The mare started nodding her as if understanding what her rider was saying. Although, she started getting uneasy as if she was ready to go. "Woah girl. Your legs are shaking, I feel you. But, by the time we get to the fort, your legs will be shaking from soreness. I don't want to do this, but we are so far now. If we get caught by ourselves...I do not know what could or would happen." She patted her horse on the neck and combed her mane with her fingers. Isa sighed hard, looking at the green hills and the morning dew that the Omnipotens had so gracefully presented to her as she left the caves. The morning sky looked as if it had been painted with oranges, pinks, and blues.

Isadora looked up and whispered a small prayer, "Help us all." Then she spurted the mare into a trot.

*The picture above is Isa*

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