1 - Eat your Young

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"COME ON DEKU," URARAKA WHINED leaning against Izuku's desk, Izuku rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair with his arms crossed. His friends had been trying to get him to go on blind dates since the summer, but he declined every one. "They're really sweet and you guys have so much in common!" Uraraka reasoned and Izuku shook his head.

"No, I don't want a relationship Ochako," Izuku stated, Uraraka frowned and gave him puppy dog eyes.

"You don't have to be in a relationship with them, just go on the date!" Uraraka whined once again and Izuku let out an aggravated sigh.

"No, final answer." Uraraka sighed and slumped against Izuku's desk. She murmured something about not wanting Izuku to be lonely when the rest of their group were with their significant others or busy. Izuku just rolled his eyes once again and turned to look out the window. He loved his friends and how worried they were about him being single but it wasn't like it wasn't his own decision to be single. He didn't have time to be in a relationship, he wanted to focus on classwork and training not on another human being, he planned to put himself out there after graduation but not during school.


Izuku had been sparring with Aizawa a few times a week to help him keep up with his hand to hand combat. he really appreciated Shota taking the time to actually spar with him, sure his classmates would spar with him if he asked but they were either at his level or slightly below it, Shota was way above him in terms of hand to hand combat. 

Earlier in the day Shota had heard Izuku's friends bothering him about going on a date with someone, he listened in as Izuku got more agitated about it over the rest of the day when his friends refused to drop it. He waited for Izuku to just tell them to fuck off but he never did, he just stuck to his original answer of no. 

It was very obvious that there was tension during their sparring session, well there was always tension during theses sessions, especially when one had the other pinned beneath them. It was almost as if they were waiting for the other to make a move or give a signal that they wanted to. That's how it was today.

"You're pulling your punches," Shota chastised stepping away from Izuku's fist which was hurling towards his face. 

"No I'm not!" Izuku argued following Shota's steps and throwing another punch, Shota caught it with ease and tilted his head at Izuku with an unimpressed look on his face. Izuku huffed and pulled his fist out of Shota's grip, Shota watched him silently.

"You're out of it today, what's up?" Shota questioned and Izuku grumbled under his breath before turning to Shota, knowing that he wouldn't judge him no matter what he said.

"Have your friends ever pushed you to do something you don't want to do?" Izuku questioned and Shota nodded and quirked a brow silently asking him to explain, "well my friends think I'm super fucking lonely or something and set me up on this blind date even though I said no, multiple times. So now I have to go on this date because I'm not going to ghost someone I've never met and seem like an asshole."

Shota listened as Izuku rambled nodding when needed, he could feel something stirring in his gut as Izuku explained he was going on a date but he pushed it down. 

"Sorry, it's stupid, but fuck." Izuku grumbled before adjusting his tank top and looking at Shota, "we should go again, I won't pull my punches." Shota smirked and immediately went for Izuku's legs.

They fought hand and hand for a good while until it somehow turned into a wrestling match on the mats. They tumbled around for a few moments before Izuku ended up on the mat with Shota above him on his knees between his legs. they were panting as they stared at each other, Shota grinned looking down at Izuku beneath him.

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