2 - If U think I'm pretty

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IZUKU STOOD IN FRONT of his mirror fixing the collar of his shirt, luckily Shota left his marks just below the collar of his shirt. They'd only be visible if Izuku moved his collar away from his neck or if someone was really looking at his neck. He did his tie and straightened it before giving himself one last look over and heading to school.

Izuku lounged at his desk with his headphone on waiting for class to start, Aizawa entered the room after Uraraka and Mina who immediately ran over to Izuku's desk with giddy grins on their faces. Izuku's eyes flicked up towards them from his phone as they entered his peripheral vision, he turned off his phone and pulled off his headphone, resting them around his neck while Mina hopped up and made herself comfortable on his desk. Uraraka stole Bakugou's chair and sat across from Izuku, he quirked a brow at their excited expressions.

"Are you excited for this weekend?" Mina asked, Izuku just continued staring at her. Of course he knew what they were referring to, they'd been bugging him about it forever, but he wanted an opening to show the marks on his neck. "For your date?" Mina continued and Izuku made an o shape with his mouth.

He reached up to his collar and adjusted it to offer a glimpse of the love bites on his neck as he scratched his collarbone. Mina and Uraraka gasped in unison and Uraraka jumped up to pull at his collar, gaping at the marks that littered Izuku's chest in shock. 

"Deku! What are these?" Uraraka poked at one and Izuku batted her hand away.

"Nothing, don't worry about it," Izuku brushed them off fixing his shirt. 

"Doesn't look like nothing, it looks like someone tried to eat you, literally." Mina scoffed flicking a small bite mark that was barely visible above his collar. "I'm not letting you go on a date with those on your neck, you look like a fuckboy." 

Izuku rolled his eyes as Uraraka deflated, whining about how Izuku and their friend would've looked so cute together. 

"You guys don't want me to be lonely, clearly I'm not, can we finally drop it?" Izuku begged and Mina lit up.

"Wait don't tell me, you kept denying the dates because you're in a secret relationship! Izuku you dog," Mina teased, Izuku shook his head and glanced up towards the clock, if he timed this right the bell would ring right before Mina could ask anymore questions.

"No, it was a one time thing, still not looking for a relationship." Izuku huffed and Mina opened her mouth to ask another question only to be cut off by the bell. Fucking brilliant timing Izuku, you're safe till lunch.


Shota had watched the whole thing in amusement, he was still waiting for Izuku to snap and tell everyone to hop off his dick and fuck out of his love life. Standing at the podium waiting for the bell to ring Shota spaced out, his mind wandered back to the evening before, the feeling of Izuku's lips on his, the way their bodies felt pressed together, the noises Izuku made when he hit the right spot, everything. He pushed away the more un-pure memories and thoughts, he refused to teach class only at the podium, he instead turned his mind towards the after. A ghost a smile crossed his lips as he remembered the way Izuku blushed when he stole a kiss in the middle of one of his rambles, he liked watching Izuku's freckles contrast against the rose color filling his cheeks. Izuku was pretty, one of the prettiest boys Shota had ever seen, and he let Shota kiss him, fuck him, it still didn't feel real to Shota.

Izuku, this bright pretty boy that could have anyone he wanted whenever he wanted, wanted him, a old man with nothing to offer him. Shota knew he wasn't the nicest looking guy and his personality was 'an absolute shit show of anger issues and closed off-ness' as one of his friends had said. He was withdrawn from everyone around him while Izuku was the brightest person in the room, he could make conversation and friends with anyone while Shota rather glare at anyone who approached him. They were complete opposites in every way, and yet, he met Izuku's eyes as the bell rang and Izuku offered him a small smile. Shota only offered a small quirk of his lip as he thought maybe that's what will make it work.

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