3 - Sleep walk

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SHOTA LOOKED UP AND down the hall as Izuku exited his office and once he was satisfied that no one would see him watching Izuku walk away he turned his attention back to the boy walking away from him, musing with his headphone. He resisted the urge to call out something like, 'I hate to see you leave, but love to watch you walk away' with a grin on his face. Soon enough he lost Izuku in the crowd of students returning to their classes, he schooled his expression into his usual glare as he looked over the students passing in the hallway before turning back into his office and shutting the door.


Friday ended and Saturday quickly came, Izuku was hoping to just relax in bed for the day and recover from the nasty training session Shota had cooked up for class at the end of the day. But as usual, Izuku wasn't that lucky. It was around 11 when multiple people bounced into his room while he rested in bed, he groaned as Mina, Uraraka, Denki, Sero, Momo, Tsu and Jirou walked into his room unannounced. 

"Izuku!" Mina announced her presence as she opened his door and walked in, the rest of her gang walking in behind her. Izuku laid on his stomach in bed playing on his phone when he was so rudely interrupted. "We've made a decision!" She chirped hopping up on his bed while everyone else filed into their own spots in his room. 

"Do I have any say in this decision?" Izuku questioned rolling onto his back, looking over at Mina as she rested her legs across his stomach with a grin on her face.

"Nope!" Everyone replied in unison, Izuku grimaced and covered his face with his hands. Denki jumped up and straddled Izuku's lap splaying his hands across Izuku's bare stomach.

"You're going on that date man!" Denki grinned drumming on Izuku's stomach, "Everyone is here to make you look pretty!" Izuku lowered his hands and gave Denki an unimpressed look. 

"Oh don't look like that, like you said your little fuck session was a one time thing, we want you to have a relationship Izukuuuu," Uraraka chimed in climbing up beside Mina, Izuku was glad his bed was big, he could comfortably fit everyone in their little group on his bed if he wanted to but Sero and Tsu had taken a spot on the floor playing with his kitten Junior while Momo and Jirou stood in front of his desk, Momo setting up what looked like her own personal makeup station while Jirou was looking through all his jewelry. 

"Come on, your date is at 4 and we have some work to do." Mina ordered moving her feet to Izuku's side and not so gently pushing him off his bed, Denki and him landing in a heap on the floor. Izuku grumbled as he untangled himself from a whining Denki and stood up, stretching until he heard a satisfying pop. 

"How'd you get in here anyways?" Izuku questioned leaning down to grab his shirt off the floor, he had gotten too warm the night before and stripped down to only a pair of short shorts which showed his boxers even when standing.

"Your mom let us in," Sero hummed holding a small black kitten with white paws and a tuff of white fur on it's chest. 

"Of course she did," Izuku mumbled watching as Mina and Jirou started raiding his closet for the "perfect" outfit. He loved his friends, he really did, but they were overbearing and pushy more often than not. "And what if my answer is still no for this date?" 

"Denki and I are here to make sure you get in the car," Sero responded nonchalantly and Izuku gritted his teeth, case in point. Izuku took a seat on his bed and folded his arms on his legs as he watched the chaos unfold, he fucking hated it here. 

The small kitten, Junior seemed to notice Izuku's stress and wriggled free of Sero's hold before proudly prancing up to Izuku and taking a seat between his feet. Izuku quirked a brow at the small kitten staring up at him, Junior ever the patient kitten screamed up at his dad until Izuku gave in and picked him up. Izuku smiled softly as Junior curled up in his lap and quickly fell asleep, he remembered telling Shota June's story and in turn Shota telling him about Husker and Snow. Izuku smiled at the thought of Shota showing him the picture of Husk and Snow with a look of pure adoration on his face, he'd have to return the favor and show him the multitude of pictures he had of June tucked away in his camera roll. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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