Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I kept my gaze on the door, not listening to my surroundings, knowing that any minute now, the door would swing open. And so they did.

My breath as if trapped in my throat as black haired male entered. His ice eyes piercing around the room and his presence overwhelming for anyone in this room, including me, well strangely not this body, this body was way too calm, but my mind and consciousness couldn't even think about being calm.

" Lord Tru-" started the older red loudspeaker just to be cut by the duke. He was wearing his usual uniform, oh how many times did I see him wearing this uniform? I couldn't remember any other clothes but this. A black well sewed cloth of high quality along with silver accessory and royal blue strip that crosses the suit.

The duke hurriedly walked over to my bed. Looming his gaze down at my small body, compared to him I was just like a small chestnut.

I gulped as my gaze met his. He suddenly squatted down to my level and wrapped his large, muscular hands around me.

I was startled but at the same time I was speechless, there were no thoughts in my mind, nothing. As if they rather escaped than have to experience this.

His gip was tight but gentle, I could feel his arms slightly trembling.

" Oh.. Theo.. I was so worried.."
The dude whispered as he snuggled me more to the embrace. I was faced with his large shoulder. My face suffocated in his uniform.

[..... ....?]
I couldn't bring myself to even utter a syllable. Not understanding. I was just lifelessly held in the embrace.

Something I wanted my entire life, my entire existence, was happening in this very moment, yet.. I was uncomfortable. I was suffocating in the emptiness, in the memories from my actual childhood.

[Is he doing this because there are so many eyes?]
[What a great actor.]

It was obvious to me that this was fake. How could he hold me like this? How could he be so worried that the moment he sees me he is filled with a relief.

The same duke that used to be cruel and not even bother to look at me? I felt bitterness surrounding my mouth.

The people in the room only watched us, they wouldn't even dare to interrupt the duke, but it was only a little theater play just for their eyes to see.

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