secret meetings

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A/N: sorry. This chapter contains vulnerability and crying.

Waking up for class, I saw a Good Morning text from my boyfriend. I quickly text him back before rushing to get ready for the day. We've been together for almost a week and I still can't believe it. Sometimes it feels like a dream.

Tonight we're finally going on our first official date. We've hung out a few times, mostly in the middle of the night, but we're finally able to go out on a dinner date. I wish it wouldn't have taken us this long to find a good time, but having to work around my brother's schedule has been tough.

Leaving my apartment, I went down to get in my car when I got another text. He is the absolute cutest. A selfie from him is just what I need to get through the day. He is so handsome. It's so distracting. I couldn't stop smiling, the people I passed in the parking lot probably thought I was crazy, but I can't control it.


"Alright Chi! I'm headed to the library!" My brother yelled from the living room. I rushed to see him off.

Nanon had his bag and an extra jacket. "See ya Non! I'll probably get home before you do. But good luck!" I said, with a thumbs up. He waved before walking out the door.

I'm so glad he has a huge group project that forces him to stay at the library with his classmates. He said that it should take four to six hours. That means I'll have time to go on my date without being caught by him.

I went back to my restroom to fix my hair. I changed my glasses for contact lenses, brushed my teeth again, and chose a new earring to match my outfit. I was getting excited, just looking at myself get ready for this date.

Suddenly I got a call from Perth. I ran to my phone, "hey"

"Hi Chi. I'm driving up to your parking garage. Oh and I already called Non. He's already half way to campus so no worries about him."

"Okay. I'll be there in a minute" I said

I rushed to put on my shoes and ran to the elevator. 

Arriving at the Sukiyaki restaurant, I felt my stomach clench. I once again was getting nervous. Just me and Perth. He was looking fine today in a dark green button up shirt and black jeans. His hand was positioned either on my thigh or holding my hand the entire way to this place. He is too dangerous for my heart.

"Shall we go in?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm so ready."

We got out and went to find a seat. We had a good time. The hotpot was savory and came out perfect. Everything about this date was perfect from Perth to the food to our conversation. I couldn't have asked for a better date.

Towards the end of the date we went to a candy store. "What chocolates do you wanna try?" Perth asked, his hand on my back as he looked in the dessert window.

"Mmmm...maybe that one" I pointed to squares of fudge that had sprinkles.

"Owww it looks delicious" he said. Then he asked the worker for the fudge and a few more options.

We sat down outside the shop to share the pieces. Then, suddenly Nanon called. "Shit, Non's calling." I exclaimed. I took a deep breath.

"I'll be quiet, you should answer" Perth said before covering his mouth.

"Hi Bro! What's up?"

He said, "I'm done early, but you're not home. Where you at?"

My mouth slightly hung open. I gulped, "oh I'm just out with buddies from uni. I'll be home later."

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