✧.1.✧ unknown

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Chahat aise hai ye teri bharti jain, ahat aise hai ye teri mujhe ko sataye

Yasmine was now standing infront of her new school. She walks towards the gate walking inside the college, she was so nervous by seeing all new people around her. she enter in the assembly hall and was looking here and there than suddenly her eyes catches the figure of the head misses standing there before a pillar. She go to her and asked about her class and asked on which floor she have to go.

Soon the time came and the assembly started and all the students were forming the line by they respective classess.

The head misses also told her to join in the line, and show her, her class line. After placing her bag on the near by pillar she stood in her class line. She was quite nervous but was trying her best to be strong and be representative.

But her eyes was only trying to find that one person.
Her best friend, saniya.But after trying so much she can't find her in the crowd so she give up and thoughts to meet her in the class only, as they were in the same class.



I was walking in the corridor trying to find my classroom and than suddenly a girl came forward towards me and she was first staring at me than she asked "are you perhaps new here?" I nodded my head.

"Do you perhaps knows saniya?" I asked hoping she knows her.

She smiled at me and said "how do you know saniya?"
"I know her she is my be- friend." I told her, but I did not told her that saniya is my best friend. I didn't know why I just don't said that to her but nonetheless I shrugged it off not overthinking over it.

I told her that me and saniya is in same classroom and she told me that she was also is in same class as me and saniya I was happy cause I made a friend. She told me her name hafsa and she is very nice person I really like her.

She show me the classroom and I sit on last bench not knowing where to sit as I sit on my back side the entrance was there for entering the class.

As there was time for exam I sat there doing nothing just seeing around and I trun around to look out of the class.Seeing many people (students) going here and there.

It was weird for me that there were boys also in this school actually I did my schooling from girl's school and It was my first time seeing boys in this school as it was a co-education (boys and girl together) and I was seeing out than I saw a boy.

He was walking. no. more like running, laughing and there were other boys with him. But I was only seeing him, messy hairs, tall, beautiful eyes, a smile that anyone can melt on seeing it.
He was gorgeous. Don't know wh-"Okay class settle down and keep your bags outside!."
I was shocked by the sudden voice it was none other than the teacher's voice.

And than I realised that how intensely I was starting at him. But trying not to overthink it I focused on my upcoming paper.

The paper was kinda hard cause I really don't study for it nor I take any class as it was my first day today!

And when I was packing my bag the same girl again came towards me with a smile on her face.
"So how was the exam?" She asked. "I didn't know, u know I didn't even study for it and I had no notes for it" I said trying my best not to be sad about it but I guess I was sad about it.

"Oh don't be sad it's okay u know, I too didn't even study for it u know even tho I had notes with me" she said giggling which made me laugh.

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