✨(Bonus Chapter)✨

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*Jason's POV*

"Thanks for letting me crash at your place," I say to my buddy as I enter the shed in the backyard. It's small, but it'll do to keep me hidden for at least a few days.

I had to lie that the cops were after me just to be able to stay here. He would have never let me come if I told him what happened. He's got his own things to hide, drugs mostly.

Shit...I'm in deep trouble now.
But do I regret it? No. I actually enjoyed it. I've been wanting to teach Y/N a lesson for a long time...now I finally have.
Feels pretty good to be honest.

When my buddy leaves, I take off my coat and sit on the small thin mattress in the corner, exhaling a deep breath.

"Alone at last," I say.

"I am afraid not, my good sir."

I shoot up in an instant, the single light bulb going off, leaving me sitting in the complete darkness, only to see a pair of glowing red eyes in the corner.

I stand up quickly, grabbing a shovel to use as a weapon, before it's suddenly flung out of my hands and into this THING'S grip, where it then chuckles softly.

"I wouldn't, if I were you," it says, its voice static like an old timey radio that are now extinct.
Suddenly, a flash from outsides lightening shines through the window, revealing what this thing is.

It has red and black hair with what appears to be deer horns sticking out of its skull, and a wide, terrifying smile on its face.

My back hits the wall behind me, trapping me while this thing comes closer, slowly, like a cat whose cornered a mouse.
At first, I think this is some fucking prank...

"C-come on stop fooling around!" I shout.
"I would say you are the one whose fooling around," it points out, before he suddenly appears in front of me, grabbing me by my throat and raising me in the air as if I weighed no more then a feather.

"What the fuck are you?!" I struggle to say, being choked from its grip.
The thing smiles. "You know, I really hate those who disrespect those lower then them" its voice becomes darker, its eyes turning into radio dials, and its horns growing larger as it ITSELF grows larger.

"It's distasteful, almost like...bad meat."

It chuckles again, louder, more in a maniac sort of way.

"W-what do you want from me?!" I shout, breathing heavily, fighting to keep its iron grip at least a little loosened for just one quick breath.

It smiles again. "Think again the next time you hurt my Y/N..."
My eyes widened. Did it just say...IT'S Y/N?!
That's the name of my girlfriend...

Suddenly, I'm dropped to the floor, and I quickly try to hide myself in the corner, trying to put distance between me and this monster, though no such luck occurs.

It raises a finger to its chin. "Oh! How silly of me," it laughs, "there won't BE a next time. For you see, I've come here on account of...personal business." It leans down and whispers.

"After all, love can make a man do...insane things."

Everything goes black.

*Alastor's POV*

My, what a messy ordeal. Though entertaining, I can say the least.
I step outside, glancing at the mortal blood on my suit and hands.
Dear, it will take Niffty days to get these stains out!

Oh well!
The deed is done.

I snap my fingers, teleporting myself to Y/N's apartment, only to see that she is gone, her apartment a mess from all that's happened.

I exhale a pained breath. I shouldn't have allowed her out of my sight, now look what's happened.

Y/N is in the hospital.
She'll live, of course, no need to worry there.
Still though, this should have never happened to begin with.

Calm yourself Alastor, he had gotten his...just desserts.
He won't be a face we'll see ever again, on Earth or in Hell.

I made sure that his entire existence was wiped clean...

I glance out the window at the small city, staring at the tall building that is the hospital.

I'll pay her a visit, one that she won't know about.
When the time is right, we'll meet properly.

I merely hope that what I had done to Jason won't ruin what's left between us...

Let's just say...love made me do it.

✨Only In My Imagination✨ (Alastor x fem! reader love story) ✓ [COMPLETED] BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now