the archer - taylor swift

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GRACIE SCOBELL WAS NOT A PERFORMER. sure, she performed in front of her music class of fifteen people and the second graders, but that was different. in her music class, she only ever played an instrument. even thinking about opening her mouth to sing made her knees weak and her throat close up distastefully. this was supposed to be a her start, it was supposed to be the thing that pushed her out of her comfort zone. she was going to sing. but she shouldn't have been surprised that she didn't.

gracie shouldn't have been surprised that the music took over her body and shoved her mind to the gutter. she shouldn't have been surprised that she lost control and let her fingers roam free on the piano, playing the whole song without an utter of a lyric. still though, she really thought this would be her time. her time in the spotlight, her time for people to look over and grin because they finally saw that she had something. that all she was good for wasn't to compliment others. and she forgot.

she was overfilled with self-hatred and embarrassment. an appointment? really? she said that she had an appointment during the last period of the day. she couldn't have said she was going to the nurse? or office? or even the bathroom?

she sped down the closest stairwell, pushing open the doors to the outside. she suddenly stopped, though, swaying on her feet.

julie whipped her head up, swallowing. the girls stared at the other in surprise for a moment before gracie's face contorted into pity, "hey."

julie moved over on the concrete steps, sighing, "hi, flynn's just waiting to grab our things."

gracie hesitated before sitting beside her, "i'm sorry about class... i can't imagine how hard it must be." julie stayed silent, picking at her nails. gracie rubbed her lips together, "do you remember the eighth grade talent show?" julie perked up, turning a fraction of an inch to slightly face the blonde.

"i do," gracie continued, "you went on second - i was supposed to go on after you. your voice was - it was amazing. the entire crowd was on their feet by the end. and - and i clearly remember your mom-" she chuckled, "she started jumping up and down and shouting your name. she was in the middle, but she was still throwing -"

"dahlias... she was throwing them but they kept hitting people because she wasn't by the stage." julie chuckled, smiling softly, "i forgot about that. i don't think i remember watching you."

gracie's smile faltered, "yea... i never went on." she didn't explain why - she didn't explain that it was because she broke into tears at the fact that she knew she couldn't do better than the girl and that only her younger brother and the babysitter showed up since her parents were watching her sister skate the same day.

"why? you're really good, i've heard you play." julie said it with such honesty that gracie's face softened in surprise.

"i- um, i got sick." not a total lie, she threw up throughout the rest of the talent show, "anyways... your mom was an amazing woman... i'm really sorry."

julie nodded slowly, "she was. she would've liked you."

gracie smiled sadly, adjusting her bag on her back, "i met her once."

julie turned fully then, "you did?"

gracie nodded, slowly grinning, "yea. it's kind of embarrassing, but in fifth grade she came in to talk about the music industry for career day?" julie nodded, "well, whenever she was talking to my class, she asked who wanted to do something with music. carrie raised her hand and maybe a few others, but i only nodded. i was too scared to even seem like i was competing with carrie."

she sighed, "your mom saw and came over to ask for my name and just things like - who's your favorite singer or band and what's your favorite song -"

"what'd you say?" julie cut in. gracie laughed, tucking her hair back.

"i said that my favorite singer was taylor swift, my favorite band was one direction, and my favorite song was everything has changed. she was really nice about it and explained everything she did. she kept trying to include me in the conversation since i was quiet. and during recess, she came over to me before i left the class and asked if i wanted to sing a song with her... so she pulled out a guitar and sat me down and taught me a song on the instrument. i had never heard it before - i don't even remember the name. i know it was rock, though."

"she liked rock." julie smiled faintly.

gracie nodded, "and she was a great singer. like you." she bumped the girl's shoulder with hers, peering at her face.

julie frowned, "i can't do it. i can't sing - i don't know if i will ever be able to again."

gracie nodded, "that's okay if you think so. but julie, you have talent. you didn't win in eighth grade for nothing. you're destined to play sold out shows. don't forget that."

julie smiled over at the girl, "thanks for telling me about my mom... it's rare to hear new stories." gracie nodded again with a soft smile.

"if you ever need anything, i'm always here to talk or help." gracie told her, "i have your number."

julie leaned in to hug her, "you're always there for everyone, huh?"

she stiffened slightly at her words but forced herself to relax into the hug, "it's what i'm best at."

julie suddenly pulled back, her eyebrows knit together, "why aren't you in class?"

the blonde blushed deeply, "um, i blanked. i mean, i-i forgot to sing," she began laughing, "i totally forgot and then i played the whole song's instrumental, not the chorus. it's fine."

julie frowned but didn't say anything since the girl was laughing at herself. the doors behind them pushed open, forcing gracie to jump up at the sight of flynn with her's and julie's bags.

gracie smiled at the girl, "see you guys." she waved to julie before making her way across the parking lot.

"what was that about?" flynn asked, giving julie her bag when she stood.

the molina girl shook her head softly, "she seems different than what i expected. i guess i figured that she'd have tons of friends, she's gorgeous and kind. but she almost seems lonely."

they watched her walk across the street with her headphones being pulled over her ears. flynn frowned, "yeah, but an entrancing kind."

"exactly." the girls shrugged before making their way to flynn's father's car.

gracie hopped into the car that belonged to her friend, dylan crest. he was a year older and on the football team, but surprisingly reserved and sweet. they were neighbors and childhood best friends, so he was always kind enough to give her a ride home.

he walked up only a few minutes after she got settled in, "hey gracie. good day?"

she hummed, "it was alright. what about you? how'd that test go?"

he suddenly groaned, hitting his head on his steering wheel, sounding the horn. she jumped, giving him an exasperated look, "what?"

"i totally failed! how am i this bad at geometry as a junior. i should be in algebra two." he turned to her, pouting his full lips. she laughed softly, turning on the radio.

"everyone moves at a different pace, nothing to be ashamed of. want to go the bakery?" dylan checked his mirrors before pulling out of his spot.

"can't, i got practice at four." she clicked her tongue, jumping from station to station until she found an oldies but goodies one.

"green day?" he mumbled, trying not to sound judgmental.

she rolled her eyes, "you listen to katy perry in this day and age, i don't want to hear it."

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