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Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Do you want a water?"
"No no I'm fine thank you"
Who said that?

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Visiting hours are almost over"
"Oh okay I'll be gone soon"
Visiting hours..huh?

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Ugh what's that noise
I raise my hands trying to cover my ears from the constant beeping.
God what is that?

"Salem...are you awake?"
Wait I know that voice
I try to open my eyes but the room just seems too bright. Ugh where am I?
My eyes finally flutter open, looking around all I can see is white walls, i don't understand why aren't I in my room? I feel stinging in my arms and look down to inspect, why are my arms bandaged? What am I wearing?

Third person -

Salem slowly opened her eyes, disoriented and surrounded by sterile walls. The scent of antiseptic hung in the air as she struggled to make sense of her surroundings
and as her eyes focused, the memories of her desperate act rushed back, sending panic and fear coursing through her veins. She traced over the bandages on her wrists, as she is reminded of what she did.
Sat thinking what's going to happen now.

"No no no," she gasped, hands trembling as the weight of her actions settled in. Miles, sat and observed her with a mix of concern and confusion, recognising the distress within her.

"Salem, it's okay, you're here, you're alive" he reassured trying to calm her, his voice a steady anchor in the midst of her panic.

"I don't understand. I thought..." Salem stammered, struggling to articulate the confusion in her mind.
"No no I died... please why can't I just die?"
Tears pricked into her blue eyes.
"I thought..." Salem tried to speak, but her words dissolved into uncontrollable sobs. The weight of her survival felt suffocating, as she clutched at the bedsheets, shoulders shaking with the intensity of her despair.
Miles rushed over hugging her with intensity, stroking the top of her head.

They carried this on for five minutes before her breathing calmed and Salem exhausted herself.
Abruptly miles felt his arms being shoved off her,
Looking down he sees anger flash in her eyes.

"Wait why are you even here?" Salem snapped, her voice a mix of bitterness and vulnerability. The pain of his abandonment had etched itself into the fabric of her being, leaving scars that ran deep.

Taken aback miles stutters out "I-i heard a scream so I used the key out front and found you covered in blood, i had to call the ambulance. Salem why would you do that to yourself?"
Panic started rising in Salem's body again, body temperature rising causing her to snap back

"What am I supposed to thank you?! You ruined everything! Everything!" Her Voice breaking at the end of the sentence
"What!? I saved you! You want me to be sorry for that?" Miles sputters out in disbelief.

"I didn't want you to save me!!" Salem yells out "I don't want to be saved.. I don't need to be saved. I just need to leave!"



"Why won't you let me help you? Salem whats happened to you? You were so happy"

"why can't you understand I don't need help!! especially not from you! What after all these years you think you can just show up and pretend to be a hero? Well you're not! You're a horrible person that I wish would've stayed in America! Now leave!" She screams

the weight of her words heavy on his shoulders.
"You know what I don't need this. I helped you, you can pretend I didn't but i did, and I don't know why you've ended up like this, but Maybe you're right. Maybe I shouldn't have bothered." With that miles storms out of the hospital room.

The door slams shut and instantly the flood gates open, Salem sobbing once again as she has to come to terms with everything that's happened and what's going to happen.
Will miles tell everyone at college? What will my stepdad do once he finds out? Does he already know? Does he care?
The silence harmonises with the sniffling as Salem acknowledges how she's truly alone and how she sabotages anyone getting close to her.
A week had passed since Salem woke up, a whole week of being completely alone, no visitors just Salem and her mind. Dr. Turner, a compassionate psychiatrist, approached Salem's bedside, her expression a blend of empathy and professionalism, she begins discussing discharging Salem and her next steps.

"Salem, we've carefully considered your situation, and we believe that incorporating antidepressants into your treatment might help support your recovery," Dr. Turner explained gently.

Salem, her eyes reflecting a mixture of exhaustion and apprehension, nodded quietly. The decision to start medication felt like another useless step that was just going to lead to failure, plus how was she suppose to explain this one to her 'dad'?

"For the first two weeks you will most likely get some negative side affects the most common one being nausea, if the side effects get too bad please make an appointment with me and I can see what I can do. I'll see you in two weeks for an update, stay safe Salem" Dr Turner says with hope and authority laced in her tone.

 I'll see you in two weeks for an update, stay safe Salem" Dr Turner says with hope and authority laced in her tone

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Well I guess it's time to get out of here then.. face the cruel world once again.
I wonder what my friends are thinking?

After three more hours of questions and being handed thousands of anti suicide leaflets that definitely would never help anyone I'm finally discharged from the hospital.
Dressed in lost and found clothes I was given my the nurses, I start my walk all the way back home.
What a fun hour this will be...

Another chapter done :)

Sorry for the slow updates just had a lot going on at the moment but I'm going to try and be more consistent!

If you enjoyed this chapter please don't forget to vote and comment it encourages me to write more! :)

Don't suffer alone please reach out if you are ever feeling this way <3

Word count - 1041 words
Once again I'm sorry for the slow updates <3

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