Chapter Twelve

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**This has not been edited or proofread.**


I looked up at the sound of the door softly closing. Meredith had been in the hospital for hours now, and sunlight was streaming into her hospital room from outside. I figured it was somewhere between eight or nine in the morning judging by the position and brightness of the sun, but I'd had everyone make sure I wasn't called for work.

I was in no shape or condition to still be working. My entire body ached from my accident, and my head was throbbing.

And the woman I'd sworn to protect was now lying in a hospital bed.

Bruises littered her pale skin. The color had returned back to her face. Her brain scans came back normal, so the doctors were almost completely positive she would be okay once she woke.

But I knew she wouldn't.

After this, she'd never be the same again.

Gerald Lawson had almost succeeded in killing her. Had Grayson not shown up in time, he would have.

I owed my best friend my life.

Grayson handed me a cup of coffee. "Thought you might need this," he gruffly told me. "How is she?"

I shrugged. "Better, but the same," I quietly informed him, knowing he would understand what I meant. "Doc says the pain medication is keeping her under." I drew in a deep breath. "This is why she asked us not to make that promise to keep her safe." I shook my head. "She knew we couldn't keep it."

Grayson's hand settled over my shoulder. "She's not going to blame you for this, Chase."

I shook my head. "It doesn't matter," I gruffly told him. "Because I'm going to blame myself for this. She doesn't have to because I already am. I failed her." I looked up at him. "The same vehicle that was parked downstairs at her bookstore?" Grayson nodded, following what I was saying. "I don't know if you saw it or not, but it's the same one that caused my accident. He had to have known who I was to her. Guys say because I never made it to the scene of the fire, Mr. Hallow lost an entire field of crops because of those kids." I scrubbed my hands down my face.

"Mr. Hallow isn't going to blame you for that," Grayson assured me.

I laughed, but it held no humor. "I know, man. He's already heard the news and come by to see me and Meredith. I feel like the whole town has tried to come by and see her. I ordered no visitors unless it was you or Farrah until she woke up." I looked up at Grayson. "How is Farrah?" I asked him. "She was pretty torn up over seeing me in my accident."

"She stayed at my place last night," Grayson quietly informed me. I was too tired and torn up inside to be angry at them sleeping in the same house, especially when I knew Grayson harbored feelings for Farrah. "She was pretty torn up, but I finally got her to get some sleep. She was still sleeping when I left this morning."

"Separate rooms?" I asked him.

Grayson softly laughed. "Recliner," he corrected. "Had to rock your little sister to sleep. I put her in my room this morning so she could continue sleeping."

I nodded, not bothering to say anything else because honestly, if my sister ended up with him, at least I knew Grayson was a good guy and would take care of her.

"Has your mom and dad been by?" Grayson questioned.

I nodded. "Mom was a sobbing mess, and I couldn't deal with it, so Dad took her back home."

Grayson's lips twitched in amusement. "She was always very emotional about anything that happened to you after that concussion you received."

I shrugged.

Meredith released a soft groan at that moment. Grayson took his leave without a word as I jumped from my chair, hovering over her, desperate to finally see her awake again.

"Meredith?" I softly asked. "Sweetheart, can you open your eyes for me?"

She slowly ripped her eyes open, staring up at me. "It hurts," she mumbled.

I brushed my hand over her blonde hair. "I know, sweetheart. The doc has you on some pain medication, though," I assured her. "It's probably time for another dose."

Her hand fluttered to the oxygen tubes in her nose, but I stopped her. "Don't pull at them," I told her. "You almost died, sweetheart." I swallowed thickly. Fear flashed through her eyes, ripping my soul apart. "Your organs still need the oxygen."


"He is on his way back to prison," I told her. Relief flooded her features. I paused for a moment, trying to figure out the best way to word what I needed to say next. I didn't want her facing him in a courtroom again. I would already have to testify and so would Grayson since he'd saved her.

But I wanted to prevent her from reliving that horrible night as much as possible.

"If I can get pictures of your body and if you allow me access to your medical records for your court case, you won't have to face him in court," I told her.

She licked her dry lips and nodded. "Okay," she whispered. "Do whatever you need to." She glanced away from me for a moment, seemingly trying to bring herself back together before she looked at me again. Tears glistened in her pretty eyes, breaking my heart. "I don't want to see him again," she croaked.

I leaned down and gently smoothed my lips over hers, reaching up to gently cup her pretty, bruised face. "Then you won't have to," I assured her.

Then, she burst into tears.

Then, she burst into tears

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