Chapter Thirteen

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**This has not been edited or proofread.**


It was a struggle to get Chase to leave my side, but a couple of days later, after being informed I would be released, I got him to go to my apartment and get me some things. I couldn't stay at my own place right now with it being part of a crime scene. Chase assured me it all should be wrapped up by the end of the week, but in all honesty, I had no urge to go back to that apartment anytime soon.

It was already going to be hard enough to return on Monday to open my bookstore again.

Chase stepped into the room and shot a warm smile at me. He was healing nicely, his cuts scabbed over, what little bruises he had already beginning to fade despite only a little bit of time having passed.

Me? I looked like I'd been in a sparring ring.

My entire body was battered and bruised.

I eased into a sitting position and rummaged through my bag, grabbing some toiletries and clothes so I could take a shower and get dressed.

"You sure I don't need to get you a nurse?" Chase asked me.

I shook my head. "I'll be fine," I promised him. "You mind calling your Nana and getting us some food to go?"

He flashed me a grin. "Not a problem, sweetheart."

After showering and getting dressed in the sweatpants and large, long-sleeved shirt Chase had grabbed for me, I slid on the bedroom shoes on the floor by my bed so we could go. I was beyond ready to be out of the hospital.

I stayed in my car while Chase went in to get our food. I didn't feel like walking, and I definitely wasn't ready for all of the questions and stares.

Max pushed very gently against my arm. I turned my head to look at him. "I know, boy," I said softly. "We'll be at Chase's soon, okay?"

I knew Max was getting antsy. I normally took him for long walks in the morning, and he was used to running around with me all day, stuck to my side like glue as I worked. For the past couple of days, he'd been confined to the hospital room for me except when Chase took him out to use the bathroom, so Max was desperate to move around and get some of his energy out.

Chase popped back into the car a minute later. "Nana is worried about you," he told me.

I sighed. "Sorry, I just—"

He cupped the side of my neck and pressed a soft, gentle kiss to my lips. "Easy, sweetheart. I know, and I get it." He laid his hand on my knee, giving it a very small squeeze. "Let's go home, eat some of this greasy food, and then we'll cuddle on my bed and watch a movie. Sound good?"

I smiled at him, relaxing again. It was so easy being with Chase like this.

"Sounds perfect," I told him.


The next day was kind of chaotic.

In a town like this where everyone knew everyone else, you were bound to get visitors. Even I knew that.

But I was used to the visitors being confined to my bookstore, not in the safe place I was calling home for a moment.

"Sis, seriously, I specifically asked you to give us some space," I heard Chase grumble from the kitchen as he opened the front door.

"And I wanted to see my new friend and check on her," Farrah retorted. "And I brought her some books to occupy her mind."

I relaxed, turning slightly on the couch to smile at her. She beamed at me, not even flinching at the bruises on my face. "Hey!" she cheerily greeted. "I don't know if you read erotica and smutty books, but I have a ton here for you to binge on while you're slumming it at my brother's," she teased.

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