💪The Royal Blacksmiths💪

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Your POV

A Fangblade hologram was floating in the center of the bridge. Everyone was around, making a plan.

"They got the first one, but there are three more, and we just need one to stop Pythor. They have a map, and we don't, so they question remains: how are we gonna find them first?" Nya says. Does saying the question out loud really help? Yes, it sort of does.

"I still can't get over the fact that you were the mysterious Samurai. Is anyone else blown away like I am?" Jay brings up the old topic to Nya.

"We're over that. Can we move on?" Kai rolls his eyes.

"Woopwoopwoopwoop, someone's a little hot under the collar." Jay smirks, much to Kai's annoyance.

"It appears his impatience is because he has not found inner peace and unlocked his True Potential like you and I have, Jay." Zane walks up.

"Great observation, Mr. Roboto, but Cole hasn't found it either." Kai grits his teeth, getting more angry.

"I got it!" Cole throws his hands up.

"You've unlocked it? Oh, why am I the only one!?" Kai waves his arms around and whines.

"No, I figured out where I recognised the Fangblade from. I have a picture of it." Cole ran out of the room.

"Oh, haha, is that it? Heh. Good." Kai smiles again. You chuckle at his attitude.

"I got it." Cole comes back into the room, putting a picture album on the table. Jay picks it up.

"That's it!" Jay said, holding the picture in front of everyone to see. You see the Fangblade in a trophy cup.

"Back where I grew up, there's this pretty big competition where every year the winner gets the Blade Cup. My dad's won it multiple times." Cole explains.

You think about Cole's family history. He's never talked about his parents, or his home.

"You never told us your dad was an accomplished athlete. What sport?" Zane asks him.

"Oh, h-he's a...uh... blacksmith." Cole suddenly went awkward.

"Nothing wrong with that. My father was a blacksmith, too. But I've never heard of a competition-"

So Kai's father was a blacksmith? And his last name is... Smith? Not judging, I swear.

"That's because he's not a 'blacksmith' blacksmith. He's a...Royal Blacksmith." Cole flips the page of the album. 

A man in a suit is shown. Definitely not a blacksmith. A round of snickering goes by quickly.

"That's your dad?" Jay smirks. Cole groans.

"Don't be mean, Jay."

"But how did the Fangblade become a trophy?" Kai asked. You wondered the same question.

"Well, supposedly, the Blade Cup was made by this guy who collected priceless artifacts. His name was something like, uh, Dutch..." Cole answered. "No, Clutch! Clutch Powers. Anyway, it gets passed on to each year's winner."

"So it's a prize." You sum it all up. You lean on the table, feeling it slide slightly at your weight.

"Who has it now?" Zane said.

"I don't know. I haven't talked to my father in years." Cole smiles weakly.

"Well, then, we'll call him up." Kai said, making Cole panic.

"You can't! He thinks I'm in Ninjago City training at the Marty Oppenheimer School of Performing Arts." Cole quickly cuts Kai off. 

You feel surprised at the name of the school. It's one of the best. Really?

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