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The Small Universe of the Apocalypse - Reading Volume 43

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The Small Universe of the Apocalypse Author: Peach Blossom Exchange for Wine 13

points Volume reading 43

Comfortable, life seems to be back before the apocalypse, even more relaxed and casual than before the apocalypse. In the past, He Chengshuang had a lot of business matters to be busy with, but now he only practices cultivation every day It was the only business that mattered, and Ye Qingrang had all kinds of fruits, vegetables and clean water in the Small Universe, so he didn't have to worry about anything.

Although being intimate with Ye Qingrang is the most important thing in He Chengshuang's heart, Ye Qingrang refuses to have sex every night, thinking that it is too indulgent and uncontrolled and does not conform to the way of self-cultivation. Fortunately, He Chengshuang is thick-skinned enough. Unwilling to give in on this point.

The place where the four of them lived was very remote, and everyone around them had been evacuated. Ye Qing asked the black panther to go out every day to sweep away zombies or animals that had gradually mutated. One time at noon, the black panther actually picked up a Only half of the fat rabbit was eaten, even if only half of it was left, it was as big as an ordinary dog. Ye Qingrang knew very well that large-scale mutation of beasts had begun. While cooking the fragrant braised rabbit meat, he and He Chengshuanghuai They said: "This is not entirely a bad thing. Let's just say that this half rabbit is enough for four of us grown men to eat. It seems that as long as everyone works hard, we will not starve to death in the end of the world."

Ye Qing Of course, the "everyone" in Rang's words does not refer to the four of them. Hua Hanzhang is very clear about this. Although Ye Qingrang's cooking skills cannot be compared with the dishes made by professional chefs he has eaten before, the level is very high. Gao, coupled with Lao Jiang and He Chengshuang's appetite, Hua Hanzhang has also been eating more and more recently, and has gained two pounds. He attaches great importance to his own image and is very depressed, but every time he encounters those fresh and tender The various dishes are delicious and fragrant, and you can't stop eating them with chopsticks.

In fact, Hua Hanzhang himself also studied cooking, so he simply gave Ye Qingrang a starting point, occasionally showing off his skills in cooking a few side dishes. Lao Jiang was very happy, and Hua Hanzhang also gradually understood that the fresh vegetables and fruits he eats every day. , it is not comparable to those sold outside, but he did not guess that there is such a heaven-defying existence as the Small Universe. He only thought that it was created by Ye Qingrang using his own wood-type ability.

The four of them were eating vegetables and chatting away from each other. Hua Hanzhang saw the black panther lying on the side and eating the meat cooked by Ye Qingrang, and said with a smile: "Isn't Dahei a wild leopard? Why does he eat cooked meat?" Ye Qingrang said with a

smile . Qingrang gave He Chengshuang a piece of small green vegetables with chopsticks. He Chengshuang didn't like vegetables, so he was willing to swallow them only after Ye Qingrang took them. "I don't eat them often, and I don't cook them well for Da Hei."

Hua Hua has been doing it these days . Hanzhang also saw the close relationship between Ye Qing and He Chengshuang, but he didn't think there was anything wrong. With his knowledge, he had seen a lot of these things, but he usually met mostly for fun, but there were only a few couples who were going through life. There are gay people, both men and women, and the relationship is really good.

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