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The Small Universe of the Apocalypse - Reading Volume 45

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The Little Universe of the End of the World Author: Peach Blossom for Wine 13

points Volume reading 45

It is really difficult for He Rong to control his use.

When the fire went down, the two zombies were burned to ashes in an instant, while a pastoral dog was on fire and fled around. The indiscriminate attack caused quite a commotion among the surrounding people. In the end, a tall man chopped off the dog's head with a knife. .

Ye Qingrang discovered that although the people around him were gleaming with joy and fear towards He Rong, they did not show surprise. Ye Qingrang slightly raised the corners of his mouth. There was no error in his memory. The Five Elements have been discovered in humans and animals. The power has awakened!

Sure enough, after clearing out the dangerous elements in this area, a team of seven or eight people came over to Ye Qing. He Chengshuang took a look and found that this team was the most courageous group of people who had just been killed, with comparable combat capabilities. He is much higher than others, and he is also very capable of organizing and cooperating.

The first person took off his motorcycle hat, but his hair was wet with sweat in the cold weather, and a few strands were stuck to his forehead. His originally heroic appearance looked a bit embarrassed. He was in his early thirties, and the heavy clothes could not hide his strong physique. He Chengshuang looked at it His gesture of holding the knife was that of a practicing master.

The man smiled heartily, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and approached He Cheng. Ye Qingrang declined. The man immediately turned to Ye Qingrang and said politely: "It's better not to smoke. Now that supplies are becoming increasingly scarce, I am also quitting smoking." Seeing that Ye Qingrang showed no intention of not wanting to talk, he immediately asked: "Little brother, this leopard of yours is really majestic. If you want to keep a large pet now, you can't afford it without any capital!"

Ye Qingrang chuckled lightly. : "We are not raising it. Based on its ability, it is clearly helping us get food now. We saved its life before, but it is willing to follow us. It shows that good intentions are rewarded." The

man thought after hearing this . I understand, no wonder this black panther is willing to listen to the command of this handsome young man in front of me so honestly. These days, humans are no better than animals. Animals still know how to repay kindness, but humans act like a farmer and a snake every day. Thinking of this man, he smiled bitterly: "I wish I had known that we had cats and dogs at home. Who would have thought that all the animals have mutated now! Although domestic animals have relatively few mutations, if one of them gets infected, Being loyal to your master is a rare thing!"

Ye Qingrang asked: "I see that no one is surprised at all about our leopard. I think you have seen such a thing before, right? "

The man knew that Ye Qingrang was talking about He Rong's ability to spit fireballs, so he didn't hide it. He replied: "It's become more common to strengthen the physical strength of animals. Three days ago, there was a big boss in our Yichang safety zone who kept three dogs. One of the Tibetan Mastiffs suddenly burst into flames with its four paws while out on an outing. Many people saw it. Later, after returning to the safe area, he was asked to leave by the leader. We dont know what happened after that. I heard that there are animals in Wuhan that have undergone similar mutations. , seems to be a green anaconda with water powers."

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