Chapter 28: Hugs and Hostility

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I couldn't believe she was in front of me. I'd thought of her so many times in the last twelve months. Bess would drop tidbits about her every now and then. It hurt when she'd refused to give me her number after she left Grant. At first I feared she'd reconcile but Bess assured me that ship had sailed. It had apparently been a battle to get him to let her go but she'd stuck to her guns and ended all contact with the stupid asshole. 

Looking back I understood her reluctance to start anything with me when she was in such a vulnerable state, but at the time it cut like a knife. After six months of no contact I'd finally taken her advice and dated some nice women. Most of them didn't last longer than a dinner or two or an occasional move. There was one I thought had promise, but she made demands I wasn't willing to meet. Even being unsuccessful until now in finding "the one" I realised she was right. That I needed to open my heart and let people in. The guarded way I'd been living since my fiance and cousin betrayed me wasn't a real life and I needed to try to form a genuine relationship with someone, rather than just fucking random women when the mood struck. 

Looking at her I was struck again by the thought of how desperately I wanted a chance to make her happy. She looked better. Healthy and strong. I guess Bess had been right that she'd just needed time to heal. It couldn't be rushed unfortunately. Bess said she was doing much better. these days. That she'd just finished up her advanced training and I was so proud of her. She'd explained that Emily had repeatedly put it off because she'd been supporting Grant so much during his education. I was glad she was moving forward with her life and putting herself first for once. She was just as beautiful as I remembered. Her hair was shorter, but otherwise she looked the same as she did that night she climbed out of that Uber. 

"Emily... Fancy seeing you here." I couldn't help the smile on my face, despite the fact I was at the hospital because little Bethany had been in an accident. Her return smile was shy but so fucking beautiful. 

When I'd got to work for my shift earlier and Star told me Bess had called in because Beth had been hurt I knew I had to come in and support her. I was probably the only employee she ever shared anything with and I knew she didn't have any local family. She portrayed this hard ass woman, but I could see that underneath someone had hurt her terribly and the front was to protect her from any more hurt. Like knows like and I'd definitely lived with that same front for years. 

"Don't mind me." Bess cut into our staring match with a snarky dig. I saw Emily blush before I turned to take in Bess and the little one in the hospital bed. She looked so banged up it made me feel sick. 

"What happened?"

"A drunk driver lost control of his car and drove into the cafe forecourt. Bethany and one other woman were hit by his vehicle and required surgery. The rest of us got off with cuts and bruises. Emily tells me she'll be okay. You didn't need to come here. Who's looking after security if you're here?"

Always in Boss Lady mode. I needed to put her mind at ease. I approached the bed and placed the teddy bear on the small side table before tying the balloons to the handle. I wanted something bright and cheery for Beth when she woke up.

"That's good news. Everyone was so worried. You should call Star with an update so she can let the others know. And as for the Club, Eric is handling things. You know I've been training him up so this will be a good test."

My eyes kept returning to the woman beside Bess. She was like a magnet and I couldn't stop glancing at her, still disbelieving that after twelve months she was sitting in front of me. 

We were interrupted by a knock on the door and a man who I presumed was Bethany's doctor came into the room. 

"Good evening. I'm just here to check on my patient."

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