It's Over

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Amira's POV
The doctor told me to come back again for an appointment.Kabir escorted me out.
Kabir: please let me take you home.
Amira:no you have done enough.

Kabir:but I caused this, let me fix  this.
Amira:you already did ,by paying the bills.
Kabir:I hit you with my car,I feel so guilty.Dont let me beg(he said sternly.Darmn his stern voice was so intimidating)

Amira: okay.(I got in his car,He drove off,but to a different side of the city)
Amira:are you kidnapping me?
Kabir:no,I can tell you are in pain from your knee injury,so I thought I could distract you from the pain by exploring the city.

Amira:oh nice.I don't get out much.
Kabir:are you a house wife?
Amira:NO! (He raised an eyebrow) sorry,I am an independent woman.Am a baker and caterer.
Kabir:oh what a coincidence,I need a caterer for my sister's wedding.Can you?

Amira:say no more (I giggled.We explored the city,it was so beautiful.We got some ice cream,drunk some coconuts and went on a jetski.We engaged in volley ball at the beach.It was finally night.He brought me home,the place I didn't want to be.)

Amira:you distracted me from not only my physical pain but my emotional pain.Thank you so much Kabir.
Kabir:no need.I wish you didn't go to that house
Amira:me too,but it is , what it is.Good night dear.

Kabir:night.(I got out of the car and went in.I was met by Asia and Kareem)

Kareem:Amira,what Happened?
(He noticed the knee brace.I walked off into my room and locked it.)

2 days later, I always locked myself up.I didn't want to see them.All I did was text Kabir,we went over the catering services I would provide at his sister's wedding.

We formed a bond,but I knew better as a Muslim,that a man and woman couldn't be just friends.

Today I was going out to visit the doctor,I ran into Kareem and Asia.

Kareem:where are you going dear?
Amira:is that part of your business?
Kareem:dear,am just worried about you.
Amira:if you really were,you wouldn't have slept with another woman behind my back.(They became silent)I will give you both the benefit of the doubt ,you are both Married.

You have every right to hurt me.
Asia: please don't say that.
Amira: and why are you still here? Aren't you suppose to be with your family? "This is temporary" Kareem said,"I never want to break your family" you said.Now look where we are now,you filthy backstabbing liars.You can have each other because am done.

Both stood shocked.Yawn.
Kareem: don't say that, please.
Amira:you hurt me and I will never forgive you.If you would excuse me,I have a doctor's appointment.(I walked out.)

Immediately I walked out and sat in the car, tears started flooding in,was I really leaving him?After all these years together.He is my life,but he broke my heart.He promised I was the only one,but he lied and I hate lies.

TWIST OF MARRIAGES (polygamy/Polyamory twist)Where stories live. Discover now