My wedding bombshell

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Amira's POV
In just two days I was going to get married to Kabir.I was so happy and finally my baby's wounds were healed.

I stood infront of Kareem's house,my old home, what I was about to do was a very task.Was I really willing to do this?I knocked.Asia opened the door.

Asia:oh please come in.

We came in.
Asia:Kareem!look who is here to see you(she said excitedly.Am surprised she is that excited)
Amira:why are you excited that am here,I was your rival.

Asia:I was never your rival, I can never come in the way of the love between you and two are meant for each other,am so sorry.
Amira: save it, it's too late for that,am getting married now,are you taking care of Kareem?

Amira: good.(Kareem came down .We locked eyes.I missed him alot.Maybe this was a bad idea)
Kareem: Salam dear
Amira: Salam,I was just passing,(I tried to leave but he grabbed my hand,he saw the envelope and took it.)

There was silence as he read.
Kareem:we will be there.(I looked at him worried that I hurt him.)
Kareem:hey it's okay.
Amira:no, it's just that you are my best friend first and foremost..

Kareem: exactly,so why do you feel bad?
Amira:I feel selfish.
Kareem:no you are not,I would be the selfish one if I hadn't attended your wedding, it's the least I can do for hurting you.

Amira:you have done enough.
Kareem:no I want to do more for you.I will be there "cookie".
Amira: don't call me that,you know I hate it.(he laughed,I smiled) see you around.

I left.2 days later.My marriage ceremony.Ria was doing my makeup as my mom did my henna.She was the best at henna.My dad came in and kissed me on the forehead.

Ali:you should have seen your mother on our wedding day, she was shivering like a chicken (we all laughed)
Aisha: and how did you know this?you weren't spying were you?

Ali:umm,me no.
Aisha:you sneaky liar
Ali:you know you love me .
(Ria looked sad)
Aisha: don't be sad Ria,you will find love again.

Ria was 28, she was six years older than me,she had been married for 3 years before her husband died two years ago in a car accident.

She is a widow and many don't want her because of that.This is culture not religion.Islam is fair to all and even encourages widows and divorcees to get married again, it's backward society that has ruined the true beauty of Islam.

Kabir's POV
Tonight was the night,I was going to marry Amira and make her my queen.I held my late wife's ring and picture.I still had some feelings for her but I had to let her go.

She will always be in my heart.The guest had started arriving,I had to put my late wife's things in a different room in respect to Amira staying with me.

I came outside to the terrace only to bump into the last person I would ever expect to see in my life.

My late wife .

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