The Mysterious Stranger (Teaser)

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How many times must the same thing happen for it to be considered strange or unusual? The Titans had been alerted to a break-in at Jump City Penitentiary. Already it seemed off to Robin but he led the team onwards to face the villain of the day, Cinderblock.

The stopping of the break-in went to plan up until the very end. Cyborg had messed up his end of their "Sonic Boom" manoeuvre. At least, that's what Robin would have said at the time. The Sonic Boom is supposed to cause a massive explosion from the combined force of Robin's concussion grenades and Cyborg's sonic cannon. 

Their combined blunder caused neither of them to work properly. Their large and slow-moving target Cinderblock was unscathed and quickly ran through the walls of the prison. The prisoners inside each cell joyfully ran out towards their much-desired freedom to cause however much chaos and mayhem they desired.

The Titans thought they had a Prison Break on their hands so they each quickly got to work at handling separate groups of inmates. Raven chose to take care of the group that had made it outside already only to find that the prisoners had been subdued before she could get to them.

Finding this curious as well as concerning she inspects the prisoners, they are fine, only knocked out they'd be suffering from a mild concussion at most. Suddenly, she felt a presence behind her. Thinking quickly as the presence immediately knew of her awareness Raven teleported to its location only to find that the presence, whatever it was, had vanished into the night.

Raven nodded to the prison guards who quickly came to retrieve the inmates as she teleported back to her team. "Prison break? I don't see any prison break!" Those were the first words Raven heard as she stepped through her portal.

"I didn't see one either." Raven said catching the others off guard. It was clear that Robin was feeling rather on edge before her arrival.

"It's uhhh... not like you to take part in sarcasm Raven." Cyborg said seemingly trying to divert the topic away from his fumble earlier.

"I wasn't." She said bluntly. "Someone got to the prisoners outside before me."

"Well, that is a good thing is it not?" Starfire asked.

"I don't know. I felt a presence of something while I was out there."

"You think it's anything to worry about?" Beast Boy tried to ask but Robin brushed it aside. 

"I'm sorry to say it but it doesn't matter now. Whoever it was we'll need to thank them later. Right now we need to worry about finding out what Cinderblock was here for." Their leader said swiftly.

The team each nodded and walked with Robin back to the tower. Robin looked over his shoulder to Cyborg. "Listen. I'm... sorry I messed up back there."

"It's cool. It was probably my big feet gettin' in the way or something." They each exchanged a smile and carried on. But Raven's mind was still dwelling on that presence. She wasn't confident that it was human or if it was there for a righteous reason or not.

In a place that daylight could never reach a man sits nonchalantly on a gray throne surrounded by the sound of clockwork and gears. The poor illumination of the room shows very little of the man's features. However, the one piercing blue eye that's visible glints through the darkness. 

Cinderblock stomps into a spotlight holding a glass cylinder capped with torn metal pipes and circuitry with a man sleeping inside. "Cinderblock." The man's tone is even and measured. "I see your mission was a success. Good. We'll proceed to phase two. Wake him."

Cinderblock grips the sharp metal top of the canister and rips it off. The glass cylinder shatters and the man falls out to the cold floor. His eyes slowly open and suddenly he violently vomits up a torrent of the blue fluid that he was originally surrounded by.  "I...." He croaked. "I'm awake! No!" His voice began to shake. "I can't- I can't be awake! I'm only human when I'm asleep!" He looked around in a panic finding no comfort from either the stone giant or the man in the chair.

"Son of a God" A Teen Titans X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now