6: Capture The Flag

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FIGURING OUT what Luna was good at was a lot of pressure, since all of the half-bloods were already good at something: archery, sword fighting, sword-smithing, and whatever activity represented the stories of the Gods. Luna found a particular interest in archery, which she enjoyed the most out of the activities she had tried out. She had managed to hit bullseye on the target on every attempt, yet she hadn't done it before in her life.

She hadn't seen Percy all morning, which concerned her, yet she caught a glimpse of blonde curls as she walked to the bathroom. Luna called, "Percy?"

The boy flinched around, though relaxed when he saw his step-sister, "Oh, hi, Lu-"

"You sound surprised." Luna frowned, "What are you up to?"

"Nothing. Nothing." He replied sarcastically, "I literally just walked out of the restroom-"

"Make sure you're ready for capture the flag, sunshine." A unfamiliar voice spoke, as a dark-skinned girl walked out of the bathroom. She was pretty, with dark eyes and beaded necklace around her neck. Luna's eyes widened, her eyes darting between the girl and Percy.

Percy half-smiled, before turning to Luna. The girl teased, "Who's that?"

"No! Gross!" Percy interrupted, "That's Annabeth. Why would you even think that?!"

"Well, you can't blame me!" Luna reasoned, "She walked out of the boys restroom, which is where you just came from... and you just look suspicious."

Percy explained, "She was only in there because of..." He paused, attempting to walk away, "Never mind, let's just go-"

"Because of what?" Luna insisted, stopping him from walking, "Percy. Tell me what happened."

"Please just don't do anything about it." Percy pleaded, "It'll be easier for me if you don't get involved. I can handle it."

"Handle what?" Luna asked protectively.

Percy took a long breath, "Clarisse-"

"That fucker-" Luna scoffed angrily, attempting to walk away yet Percy ran in front of her.

"No, no, no! You said you wouldn't do anything! Just let me explain." Percy begged, before sighing, "She's just picking on me because I'm new. I don't think she wants me to get glory for killing the Minotaur, so she... flushed my head down the toilet."

Luna brushed Percy's hair back, noticing it was bone dry, "When?"

"Well, she tried to flush my head down the toilet... but then something happened and all of the toilet water went away." Percy explained slowly, "And then the water shot back out of the toilet... and splashed her?"

"Don't fuck with me, Percy." Luna raised her eyebrows, "Tell me the truth about what she did to you-"

"I am!" Percy argued, before grabbing Luna's hand and guiding her back into the boy's restrooms, "Look!"

Luna's eyes widened at the state of the toilet; the wooden door completely torn off and the floor pooling with toilet water. The girl brushed her hair back in distress, "Holy shit, Percy."

Capture the flag was a familiar game to Luna since it was very popular in Yancy academy. However, she was imagining the capture the flag that didn't involve helmets, swords, weapons, and violence- all the half-bloods took it very seriously. 

Chiron explained, "The first team to retrieve the opposing flag and return it across the river shall be the victor. As always, there will be no maiming and no killing. I trust these rules will be respected. Let the games begin!"

THIS IS ME TRYINGHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin