10: Sacred Rule Of Three

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THE FOUR had attempted to sprint away from Medusa, though they ended up in some kind of lair. Stone statues were everywhere, all of the expressions were different and insanely detailed. Some were the statues of mothers, police officers, animals, children. Luna couldn't help but feel uncomfortable, almost betrayed by a woman that seemed so nice.

"There's four of us and only one of her." Grover planned, "If we split up? She can't be watching us all at once." He paused, as the group stopped running, "Here's the plan. I'll get in the air, I'll draw her attention. As soon as you hear me say Maia, you guys start-"
Grover suddenly started levitating the air, accidentally calling upon the wings of his converse to make him levitate away.

Luna and Percy both ran behind a wooden crate, as Annabeth put her invisibility cap on which was a gift from her mother. The three had to come up with a new plan, whilst being followed by a woman who could easily turn them all into stone.

"We are not our parents, until we choose to be." Medusa's voice spoke calmly, "A daughter of a self-righteous mother, who chose self-righteousness for herself. And Percy, you could've shown your father what it means to stand up for someone you love. You could've chosen to save your mother instead of doing your father's biddings." Medusa paused, "They're leading you down the wrong path, Luna. Your mother will never claim you if you disappoint her. Imagine how ashamed she'd be when I ship your statue off to Olympus."

Percy locked eyes with Luna, giving her a comforting look even though he was terrified himself. He retrieved the pen from his pocket, as Luna watched it transform into a glowing sword.

Medusa obviously saw the golden glow from a distance, as she snapped, "Stand up. Let's have a look at you."

Percy stood up impulsively, shutting his eyes tightly as he panted with fear. Luna stayed hidden, peering over the crate to see Medusa's real appearance; more than a dozen snakes wrapped themselves on her head, hissing and moving around curiously. Her eyes were bright, and her the safety that Luna felt around her had faded. Luna's trust in the woman had gone, even though they had only met ten minutes ago.

"I didn't think this through!" Grover yelled, as he came flying towards the group before crashing down onto one of the statues.

"Now!" Annabeth ordered, as she took off her cap and placed it on Medusa's head from behind her, turning the women invisible.

Suddenly, Percy opened his eyes before swinging his sword at the air in front of him. He knew he had killed her when a disgusting squelch came from Medusa's head being sliced off of her body. Luna's heart dropped to her stomach.

"Are you okay?" Luna asked, as she crouched down to help Grover stand up. The boy thanked her, before walking over to a satyr statue, his eyes becoming watery. Luna questioned, "Do you know him?"

"He's my Uncle Ferdinand." Grover said, "This is as far as he got on his quest. We aren't even to Trenton. But look at him." He chuckled softly, "He's not like the others, he... he doesn't look afraid."

"I'm so sorry." Luna sympathised, "He looked very brave."

"He was." Grover smiled, before clearing his throat, "We should get going before it gets dark."

"What are we gonna do with the head?" Percy questioned curiously, "We can't just leave it for someone to find."

Luna suggested, "What if we set up a memorial?"

"A memorial?" Annabeth scoffed, "You really think she deserves our respect after she tried to turn us to stone?"

"No." Luna deadpanned, "But she wasn't gonna turn us to stone until you decided on a plan to run away from her."

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