Chapter Fifteen

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"Aunt..." I stammered, my words barely escaping my trembling lips.

When did she come back from California? Her sudden return completely shattered the little hope I had left.

"You slutty bastard!!" she barked out, her voice filled with anger and disgust, taking a menacing step forward.

"When did you return?" I smiled, attempting to mask the tense atmosphere that now engulfed the entire house.

"Don't you dare!!" Her words echoed with a mix of fury and warning, piercing through the air with an intensity that sent chills down my spine.

I took a step back, letting her words sink in. As much as it hurt, I realized she was right. I didn't have to pretend like everything was fine between us. I just needed to handle my business and move on.

"You evil child!" she spat venom in her words. I closed my eyes, holding back the emotions that threatened to spill over. This wasn't the first time she had hurled insults at me, especially since I lost my mother.

"I always knew you were no good, that you were evil!" she exclaimed, her eyes filled with disgust and hatred.

"Please... I'm here to see my father," I managed to speak up, my voice trembling.

"Shut the fuck up!!!" she hissed harshly. "The very man whose life you ruined."

"I didn't ruin anyone's life," I snapped, catching her off guard. She quickly masked her expression, replacing it with a cold stare.

"Taking away everything he has... what does that even mean?" Anger surged through me as I heard the intruder's sickening voice.

I turned my head towards Olivia. "Olivia..." My eyes flickered with a mix of anger, hatred, and pain.

"Well, hello, sis. Nice to meet you too," she sneered sarcastically, a taunting smirk playing on her lips.

Just looking at her makes my blood fumes. If she hadn't leaked that video that day, I wouldn't be here now. I should have been out there, living my life to the fullest. But as they say, "Everything has an end." This is my end of happiness and also the beginning of my pain and misery.

Looking at her, I can't help but wonder what I've done to deserve this. Sure, I wasn't thrilled when my father brought them into our lives, but I've never insulted or disrespected any of them…. Or given them any reason to hate me. 

"And you have the audacity to still show your pathetic faces here," she disparaged, mockingly lifting her chin.

I stood my ground, determination burning in my eyes. "I am here to see Father," I repeated firmly, refusing to let their insults and accusations shake me. Only if they know that she is a devil_ only if they know that she was the cause of all this...... She ruined me! And I guess she is now happy, this has always been what she wanted_ my downfall.

"Oh... Father!" they scoffed in unison, exchanging a knowing look before bursting into laughter. "The man you supposedly ripped everything from, despite all he's done for you," she lashed out.

"Ungrateful human being," Olivia's mother snapped, venom dripping from her words. "Just like your mother... evil."

My anger surged, jaw clenched tightly, as I locked eyes with her. "Don't you dare! Don't you dare call my mother..." Only if they know what I am going through right now, the never-ending torture from that demon but I guess even if they know it will be a thing of joy to them seeing me wallowing in pain. I still wonder why they despise me when it should be the other way round because they ruined my mother's marriage by coming into our lives but still....... But still, we never complain or treat them badly.

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